Chapter Eighteen

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"Miss Perry,"

I jolted up from my seat at the sound of my name ringing in my ears. When my eyes had time to focus, Sammie's doctor stood before me, a smile wiped across his face.

Shaking Oliver's head that lay on my shoulder, I whispered, "babe, babe."

In almost the same way I did, his head lifts off of my shoulders and he rubs his eyes tiredly. He looks back, then realizing the doctor is here to speak to us and we both stand up in our seats.

"We found that there was a small damage to one of her arteries that hadn't actually shown up on the scan. Since it was so small, when we operated the first time - yesterday - it was almost impossible to see. As Samantha has been having checks on her wound and being moved from the different units, the movement had actually caused the wound to open slightly and we realized in surgery whilst fixing the opening wound, that she was actually bleeding internally and we didn’t know. The small bleed had gradually got bigger with pressure which lead to it then becoming very severe.”

I just nod my head slowly, trying to get my head around the information he’s giving me at this point. My hands fiddle with my sleeve as I concentrate. It’s as if all of this is a dream. It just seems so surreal. She was completely fine two days ago, and now this.

Flashes of her smiling appear in my head as I focus now on the floor, taking a few breaths to keep myself calm. I picture us together, walking hand and hand down the beach when she was younger, and how the sun would slowly redden her soft skin. It was times like those I would give anything to go back to. Just to revisit the memories and feel that happiness inside me once again.

I look back up, “Is she going to be okay?”

“Can we see her?” Oliver asks.

The dark haired doctor gives us a sympathetic smile, “I’m afraid it’s still touch and go at the minute. She’s still under very close observation, and she will be for the rest of the night.” His head turns to Oliver, “And yes, sir, you can see your daughter now.”

Oliver holds my hand tightly in his. Neither of us speak, but we know that we’re there for each other, and we’re going to look after each other. As we walk quietly into Sammie’s hospital room, I suck in a breath of air as I lay my eyes on her once again. It’s almost as if she hasn’t even been moved, as her bed is in the exact same place as it was before, and she lies there still, just like she was before.

The one thing I will do before I die is make sure that the thoughtless, evil dick that did this to her is locked away for a very long time.

“She looks so peaceful,” Oliver whispers, approaching her bed. He holds her hand tightly in both of his, squeezing it ever so gently just to feel the warmth of her skin on his. “That boy, earlier on,” he says.


Oliver nods, “Yeah. Is he just a friend of Sammie’s, or?”

I sit down beside my daughter again, sighing as I look at her. I look back up at Oliver and just shrug my shoulders effortlessly, “As far as I know, he’s just a friend of hers. He came in with her yesterday and he was here all day today, but I think he would have mentioned if he was her boyfriend.”

“He looks like he cares an awful lot about her.”

I chuckle, “I’d definitely give my permission if he was.”

Oliver smiles, “me also. He’s a nice boy.”

The nurse that we didn’t even realize was stood at the back of the room writing down notes, quietly left after she had finished making sure everything was alright. It was when I looked down that my eyes were met with the red blood stain that was still there on my t shirt. I realized I had actually had these clothes on for the past two days and a shower was most definitely needed, but there was no way I was leaving this hospital.

I held Sammie’s hand in mine, as a way of comforting myself. I felt much better once my skin was in contact with hers, and I was able to feel the pulse through her body. When someone looks so lifeless, being able to feel all the signs that showed they were still alive was the best feeling in the world. Even just listening carefully to her breathing. She exhales, then there’s a four second pause, and she slowly breathes again.

I softly stroke her hair, feeling the silky strands run through my fingers. I look at every detail of her face, every line, every little thing that made up the beautiful face that she had. The way two tiny, faint creases curved around each side of her lips from where she smiles. Her fair skin glistens under the light above us and I give into my temptation to touch her cheek gently.

I sigh heavily when a thought enters my head, my hand retracting away from her face. “We argued,” I mumble quietly to Oliver.

He’s looking down at Sammie’s hand in his, but when he hears me speak his head slowly lifts up. His eyes are soft and full of sorrow. “Who did?”

I look directly over at Sammie, then back at him, “Me and Sammie. Yesterday morning - a few hours before the accident - we were having a phone call when she brought up something that she had told me not long ago...a big award day at college. I guess when she first told me  about it I was so caught up in work and getting Luke sorted that it just went straight in one ear and out the other. I didn’t write anything in my diary or keep that day empty, so then the other day I went and booked something over that time. Before I knew it contracts were signed and I was calling Sammie to tell her all about it.” I shake my head at myself, feeling so disappointed that something so important to my daughter, and to me also, had just fell out of my mind so easily and I didn’t even give it a second thought. I stroke Sammie’s hand with my thumb. “She reminded me of the award date and I realized what I had done, but the contracts we’re signed...I knew I had let her down.”

“She didn’t take it very well?” Oliver says, but it sounds more like a question.

I shake my head, “No. Can you blame her? It’s a big day and I had told her I wasn’t going to be there,” I then choke on my words, “s-she called me Katy.”

He looks surprised after I’ve finished speaking, but his face instantly returns back to normal and he just gives me a small smile. “Katy, none of that matters now.  You’re right here beside her watching over her every second. She knows you love her.”

I bring Sammie’s warm hand up to my lips and kiss it softly. Of course Oliver’s right. Enough though my mind keeps wandering back to mine and Sammie’s last conversation, and how bad it was, I know that our love is stronger than anything.

As I pull my daughter’s hand from my lips, I feel something. My heart beat picks up pace so quickly when I realize that the slight pressure I feel on my hand right now is coming from Sammie. She’s squeezing my hand.

My mouth opens as my lips curl into the most genuine smile I’ve had in two days. My entire body filled with happiness and hope.

“Ol!” I gasp, tears sitting on my eyelids, “she...she just squeezed my hand. Sammie just squeezed my hand!”

It was at that point, as if on cue, a nurse walks straight through the door and grins at my words. My hopeful eyes stare at her, praying that this was some sort of a good sign - I mean of course, it had to be a fantastic sign. It has got to mean something. She’s still in there. My fighter is still in there, and maybe, just maybe, she’s getting ready to wake up.

“She squeezed your hand, did she?” The nurse, whose name I remember to be Alisha, asks me through a pleased smile. I pick up on the positivity in her eyes and it quickly passes straight onto me and Oliver.

“Y-yeah. Right then! I felt it I know I did,” I lean towards Sammie’s face and kiss her cheek, my lips still holding a smile, “you’re in there baby girl, I know you are,” I whisper.

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