Chapter Sixty-Seven

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I watched in the corner of my eye as my mom muttered something back to Tamra, both me and Shannon doing everything we could to distract Mary away from the situation, before the pair of them disappeared out of the room. 

Mary was like the leader of the family. Well, that's when Grandma Ann wasn't the one calling the shots. If it was her calling everybody together and making the arrangements, it was Hudson law that everybody had to be there. I guess you could say Mary was the one that kept us all together at times. So my mom knew that nothing could get in the way of this meal running smoothly, even if that meant hiding the heartbreaking truth that she was sick. It meant too much to Mary. 
A pair of unsettled eyes glanced at me uncertainly, a small hand rested on my upper back. I turn to see Shannon, hovering next to me, biting on the corners of her mouth. I could see that she was picturing in her mind what could possibly be going on right now on the other side of the door. 

Mary had soon become deep in conversation with Bradford, and a heavy silence sat over me and Shannon. I was just staring into thin air whilst biting on the nail of my thumb. My eyes were at that stage where I had gone too long without blinking, the sting now creating a thin layer of tears along my bottom lashes. I knew, though, that it wasn't just that causing the tears to form in my eyes, but reality. I needed to shake it off. It really wasn't the right time or place for me to decide to breakdown. I was at a level that was almost paralyzing me with fear and pain, yet I had to carry on as though nothing was wrong. It's for mom, I kept reminding myself. For mom. 
I looked up at the sound of Mary calling everybody to the table. I felt for Shannon, and just so slightly gripped onto the material of her jacket as we approached everybody else gathering around the table to find a seat. I opened my mouth to speak, but through the swirl of fear and anxiety comes my mother's soothing voice behind me, casual and soft, she says, "are you sitting next to me, baby?" 
I spun my head around so quickly that I almost gave myself whiplash. "You're back. What happened?" 

A frown appears on her calm face once her eyes set on me, "I'll tell you about it later. More importantly, why do you look like you're about to burst into tears?" She places both hands on my shoulders, turning my body to face her. "Are you okay?" 
"Girls, we're all waiting for you both. Save the chit chat for later and come and sit down."
The concern on my mom's face switched to something I had seen before and was never happy to see when I did. The pissed off Katy look.
She faces Mary at the table, "I'm talking to my daughter for a moment. We'll join you when we're ready." She tells her coldly.
"Mom," I quickly butt in, "I'm fine, honestly. Just, let's go sit down." 
Nothing else is said, but I know that the rest of the table sensed the stress on my mom's voice just as I did, and so the atmosphere was one as awkward as you could imagine. Bonnie looked at Bradford and Mia looked at me. I just smiled convincingly. Perhaps too convincingly, as if I was practically giving it away that something was wrong.
Mary took the opportunity of silence to raise her glass, waiting for a few seconds until the rest of the table did too. The funny thing about it though was seeing Lucas look around the table at everybody holding up their glasses, and you could see the little cogs turning in his mind curiously, before he picked up his plastic bottle and held it above his head with a hilarious giggle. That was enough to completely change the mood.
"To family!" Mary said through a laugh.
"To family!" We all cheered, knocking glasses together and smiling at one another across the table.
I leant closer to my mom, and whilst the glass knocking was still going on, I muttered quietly, "Does Tam know?"
Her blue eyes first looked at me, the light from the crystal chandelier above the center of the table reflecting through her eyes, allowing the palest shades of blue to sparkle a dazzling white. Just like they did on stage when she stood in the spotlight.
"Not yet," she sighs, and I send her a sympathetic smile in return.
This couldn't possibly be easy for her. None of it. Having to deal with this horrific truth herself but then having to watch the faces of those she loved crumble and hearts break when she told the truth. And once she had got through the family, that still wouldn't be the end, because then there's the millions of innocent souls across the world that hold a special place for her in their hearts, that thank her for saving their lives and blessing them with the incredible gift that is herself, that unite together as a family and stand strongly by the name of KatyCats.

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