Chapter Fourty-Two

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I spent the rest of the day with my head on Louis' lap watching reruns on television. The house was fairly silent. My dad finishing off work papers he had to fill out, my mom was in bed resting and Luke was still flat out. It had only just dawned on me, in fact, that we were both due back in college in two days and I had no idea how I was going to leave my mom right now.

I closed my eyes as I released a small sigh through my nose. Perhaps she's just in shock. My mom's a very intelligent woman, you see. There's no doubt in my mind that she will sit and have a good think about this. Whatever decisions she makes will be the right ones.

"What's on your mind?" Louis asks me, placing a hand on my head so he could stroke my hair.

I had told him about my mom being pregnant and how she was really sick and struggling at the minute. One person that didn't know was my father. I felt bad that I had to lie to his face earlier, but this isn't something he needs to hear from me. He needs to hear it from the mouth of my mom, and I don't think that's something she's up to do right now.

"I'm just worried for her, you know?" I say, pushing myself up with my hands so that I was sat beside him on the sofa.

"Of course. That's understandable,"

"She's always so organized and plans everything out. This is definitely something that wasn't on her schedule."

Louis places his hand on my thigh, giving it a light squeeze. I don't really think he knew just what to say, but he knew that showing me he was there was enough.

[Katy's POV]

I had my eyes closed and my head buried deep into my pillow, but I hadn't managed to sleep. Not once. My mind was keeping me awake, thinking of how I was going to have to change all my future plans now. How was I supposed to tell Oliver?

I push my covers off of me, sitting myself up in my bed. I looked up from my hands, seeing my reflection in the mirror opposite me. I quickly noticed how my collarbones stuck out more than usual. My hand ran across them as I stared, managing to feel the hard bone beneath my skin. My skin that was so pale. A lot paler than normal. This allowed me to see how dark my eyes were underneath, and how much my face had sunk in. My cheek bones were so prominent, like those size 4 models who walk the catwalks looking like they're about to fall to the ground at any minute. I looked sick. This morning sickness was really effecting me.

I let my head drop back onto the pillow, feeling far too weak to lie myself down carefully. My body just felt tired and achy, as if I had just finished doing a three hour work out or a hike up mount Everest. Maybe this was because it was my third pregnancy. Perhaps each pregnancy adds to the morning sickness. Though I don't think it could get much worse than this.

I groaned into my pillow.


I lifted up my head, seeing Oliver's head pop around the door. He looks at me with a smile, but I notice how his smile drops fairly quickly. He shuts the door behind him.

"K-Kay, are you okay?" Oliver sits himself down on the edge of my bed, finding my hand with his and holding it tight.

The feel of my freezing cold hand wrapped in his warm one felt amazing. The way he looked at me made me just want to crawl onto his lap for comfort and fall asleep in his arms. Protected by him. His arms the barriers to the rest of the world, and I'm safe when I'm in them.

I open my mouth to speak, but I can't really find the words to explain. I don't even know how this happened. Where do I begin to tell him that I'm pregnant again and we are going to have to put our plans on standby for the next year or two. I so was not ready for this.

"Ol, I uh," that's about the only thing that comes out of my mouth before my lips reclose and I sigh. "I think I'm just really drained and I've caught some kind of bug."

I clutch his hand in mine, holding it in my lap. Oliver is looking at me with one of those worried looks on his face. The ones where his eyebrows are slightly creased, his lips are closed shut and his eyes stare right into my own so deeply it's hard to turn away.

A small smile appears on his lips, "you want a cuddle?"

That was probably the best thing he could have offered me. I nod in response, letting him sit properly on the bed and open his arms for me.

I lay my head on his chest, allowing me to hear his heart steadily beating. One of my arms lace around his torso whilst the other continues to hold onto his. His arm gently finds it's way to my waist as he holds me close to him, and I know that there is no other place right now that I would rather be.

"I love you, Katy Perry," Oliver says, his use of my surname making me chuckle into his shirt.

"And I love you, Oliver Daniel James."

"Was the use of my middle name really that necessary?" He laughs, and I can't help but laugh too, despite how shitty I feel. "Don't you think Katy James sounds pretty good? Katheryn James. I like it."

My eyes immediately open again after he's spoke. Katheryn James was probably the most incredible sound I've ever heard. Me and Oliver weren't married though. I always wondered how long it would take him to ask that very important question, but whenever there came a time where I thought he was going to, he never did.

At first, it made me question his commitment to me. I would ask myself whether he was in this for the long run like I was, or whether he wasn't planning on staying. Then one night, a few years ago, we laid in bed together and he brought up the whole marriage conversation. He told me about his divorce and we were able to understand each other, because we'd both been through it. We both knew how difficult it was to say goodbye to someone who was so important to us as the time. Oliver explained that he didn't want to rush into anything like that again, and that just because me and him weren't married, that didn't mean he wasn't planning on spending the rest of his life with me. I understood after that. It made a lot of sense. Plus, over the past four years we hadn't really had much time to plan a wedding, but I know that it will happen when it happens.

"I like it," I smile, looking up at him to see him smiling too. We lock eyes for a couple of seconds, and I know that were both thinking about the same thing when we do. "Well good, because that's going to be your name on day," he says, kissing the top of my head.

I hug him a little closer to me, now burying my head into the crook of his neck, a smile present on my face. "Can't wait."

Those incredible thoughts were enough to send me straight to sleep in the arms of my love.

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