Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Louis pulls away from his mother's grasp, dropping both hands down so they hang loosely at his sides. Doctor Taylor looks at him with a glossy layer over her eyes, smiling a sad smile as she wonders when she will ever see her son again. If she will ever see her son again.

I carefully hold onto Louis' hand, resting my cheek against his arm. He looks down at me as we turn away to leave, giving me a smile. It was a smile that spoke the words of 'thank you'.

"It was nice to meet you, Doctor Taylor, thank you for your help today," I say before we leave.

"It was an absolute pleasure to meet you too, and please, call me Grace."


I instantly collapse onto the sofa when I step through the living room door, burying my head into the soft feathered cushions. I lift my head back up, resting it on the arm of the chair so that I'm staring out of the window beside me. The sun is just beginning to set, making the sky light up with a mix of beautiful shades of oranges, yellows and reds.

I begin to fiddle with the fabric of one of the cushions, just staring out of the window in pure awe. It made me realize just how beautiful the world we live in really is.

"Hey," a soft voice says. It's quiet and gentle.

I feel the weight of someone sit on the end of the sofa, and I turn my head with a smile, "hi," I say cutely.

My boyfriend smiles one of the most beautiful smiles I have ever laid my eyes on. Half of his face is dark, but the other half is being lit up by the setting sun through the window. The white in his eyes stands out so prominently, with the warm chocolate pools in the center glistening as he looks at me.

"Can I take you somewhere tonight?" Louis asks me, using a hand to sweep his hair backwards.

My smile widens as I quietly ask, "where?"

"Somewhere," he giggles.

"Alright, but I'll have to change first," I pull myself up off the couch, throwing the pillow down behind me. I pull up the bottom of my shirt, lifting it up just a little to smell the fabric. "I swear I can smell that hospital on my clothes."

I stand there for a moment, then realizing that my stomach was completely visible, and I drop the shirt from my hand. I've never been a secure person. I feel my cheeks flush red when I notice that he was looking, but he just smiles at me, noticing my embarrassment.

Clearing my throat with a cough, I run my hand nervously through my hair, "um, I'll go get ready," I mutter, and with that, I scurry as quickly as I can out of the living room.

My hair falls in front of my face whilst I speed walk down the hallway and straight towards the stairs. I tug off my shoes in the process, leaving them wherever they land. My mom would definitely be moaning at me for that later.

"Woah, hold up tiger," I hear as I hit into something hard and warm.

I lift up my head, pushing the fallen hair out of my face. I'm met by a humoured pair of blue eyes, looking down at the mess that I'm currently in. My hair is everywhere, I have one shoe off and the other half on and my T-shirt is partially rolled up at the bottom.

"Where are you running off to?" My mom laughs softly.

"Oh uh, I'm going to change. Louis wants to take me out tonight so.."

Her top row of teeth become visible as she smiles at me, "aw! Alright, well I guess me and your dad could have a nice dinner together while you're out. Lucas will be asleep in bed shortly so that gives us a couple of hours to ourselves."

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