Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"I didn't know you weren't coming alone," my mother smirks as she sips on the steaming cup of coffee she is holding between both hands, me mimicking her with my hot chocolate. I had been telling her ever since she began the Prismatic World Tour a couple of years ago that she needed to quit drinking coffee so much, but we both know she's incapable of doing that.

She sits opposite me at the kitchen island wearing her pale blue pair of skin tight jeans and Cali tshirt, her eyes staring deep into mine, and I can see that she's questioning me, but really she has a pretty good idea of what's going on.

I quickly glance across the room, looking outside to see Louis and my dad sat on a chair each on the wooden decking, looking deep in conversation about something I'm so sure I wouldn't be interested in. Soccer or basketball I'm guessing. It was a nice sight to see though.

"You don't mind, do you?" I asked my curious mother, touching the top of her hand with my finger. She spins it around so that her palm is now facing upwards, easy for me to slide my fingers comfortably between hers. I could tell by the way she was looking at our hands that she was finding it just the slightest bit funny that my hands were just as tiny as they were when I was fifteen years old.

"Of course not. He's welcome here anytime," she takes another sip of her coffee, her eyes fixed on me over her mug, before she removes the mug from her gloss-free lips and places it back down onto the surface between us. "I'm just wondering if there's something you're not telling me."

Smiles creep onto both of our faces, while my eyes wander away to look outside again. Louis now has a laughing Lucas sat in his lap, while Lucas' pale cheeks have turned a pale pink under the sun. Though the fact that he has a white nose indicates that my dad has just put cream on him.

"What is it that you think I'm not telling you?" I grin at my mother.

With a roll of her eyes, she says, "Well I think there's something going on between you and Louis, am I right?"

As she nudges me with her elbow, she breaks out into fits of childish giggles when she notices the answer written all over my face.

"You're correct," I confirm, only making her giggle like a teenage girl even more.

I knew that as soon as this conversation ended and I was out of the way somewhere, the first thing she'd do is call Shannon, then Tamra, then Markus, then Mia, and then they'd tell the rest of the team.

"Sammie!" She whisper-shouts, "why didn't you tell me sooner?!"

"Mom," I laugh, "it only happened like yesterday. I didn't really get much of a chance to tell you, so much has happened that-" I realize then that I'm rambling on about things that my mom couldn't actually know about. My eyes widen slightly as I quickly stop myself from speaking by placing the white mug to my lips.

"Why? What's happened?"

I stare into my hot chocolate, pulling it back away from my lips and placing it down in front of me. My mind debates whether or not I should tell her. If I explained to her what Louis' dad does to him, maybe she could help, or at least give us some sort of advice about what to do- ways that I could help him. I knew that this was Louis' secret, and he told me in confidence. I knew it wasn't my place.

"Nothing important," I smile, hiding one huge fat lie behind it.

She knew I was, of course she did, but I also knew that she wouldn't ask again. My mom trusted me enough to know that if I had a problem I'd go to her, and that if I needed to tell her something, I'd tell her in my own time. She didn't push me into telling her, and I loved her for that.

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