A Hint of Betrayal

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First Person POV

After a day of travelling I finally managed to get back to the temple, however on arrival as was Greeted by Anakin, R2 Aliiza and Ahsoka waiting in the temple hanger, I knew Anakin would want to talk about something, but I had no idea what, When I went down the ramp to speak with them Anakin came past me while speaking.

Anakin: Good, your here, now we can try and go after those scum...

Y/N: What? Who? 

Anakin just went up the ramp without even saying anything with R2, I looked at Ahsoka who had a worried look, it was clear she had been dealing with him in the past day or two as she looked tired.  Aliiza just shrugged at me as she brought in more supplies for us. I usher Ahsoka onto the ship as she followed me, we went into the cockpit  where HK was about to shut off the engine but Anakin force pulled him off his seat causing him to fall as Anakin sat down, much to the HK's dismay.

HK: Rude! 

R2 enters and beeps at HK to not try anything, HK got up and turned to me as he wanted permission to kill them both.

Y/N: HK, go wait in the holo Room with Aliiza, (To Anakin) What in the world is your problem?

As HK left Anakin kept on piloting the ship and managed to turn it around at a fast rate and got us out of the hanger, I put my hand on his shoulder and forced him to turn to me.

Y/N: Hey! I asked you a question! What are we doing?

Anakin: (shrugging me off) We're going after the bounty hunter that Kill obi-wan, are you with me or not?

Y/N: Well you technically just stole my ship and kidnapped me and my crew so I guess I have no choice, but why couldn't you steal, I don't know, a Jedi ship?

Anakin: One, this ship I will admit, is far superior to any ship we have in the temple.

Y/N: My doing, your welcome.

Anakin: Secondly, we can fly low, we can get away as quick as we get somewhere, and thirdly....I need your help...

Y/N: (sarcastically) Of course you need my help.

Anakin: (turning to me) You have something that I don't, you can scare people, get information easy, like you did with Eliot...I need help to find Rako Hardeen...and put an end to him...

Y/N: Anakin, I'd help you find him, but do you really think Obi-wan would want you to--

Anakin: (Loudly) --Obi-wan isn't here! He's dead! And so will Hardeen after we find him! 

Y/N: This is what I'm talking about Anakin, you need to recollect your thoughts before going down a path you can't come back from, don't make the same mistake I made...

Anakin: (Huffs) Like what?

Y/N: Like losing yourself to your master's killer, or in my case my parents, you seen my power, you only seen a fraction of my rage, don't even think about pulling from the darkside around me.

Anakin: I'm not... I'm not going down that route...

Y/N: By all accounts, you are, I don't care if you kill one or so people, but when you keep doing it, what happens then? You kill Rako and begin to think you can kill Dooku, then you kill him, what next? Mace windu? Yoda? Me?! You'll let power get to your head, and it will be your downfall!

Anakin: I would never betray anyone! You're out of your damn mind if you think I would!

Y/N: But you would for Padme...wouldn't you? (his eyes widen in shock) There it is...realization...took me eight kriffing years for that to happen to me Anakin, eight years of me butchering Jedi, troopers and senators, to begin to think for myself, but it was all to late as you know what happened...

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