Festival of Naboo

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First Person POV A few days later...

The last few days had been annoying long, ever since the council had so called "restricted me" on leaving without permission, I did however speak with Yoda saying If I needed I'd leave him a message on why I'd leave and not the others.  Mace had given me and Anakin a telling off, he simply took it and just left to confront Yoda about Obi-wan, he was gutted that he had been lied to, Anakin did seem to be apologetic to me about the whole Obi-wan thing, but still hate my guts for not just having a intimate relationship with his Padawan, but also for having two girls at once. Ahsoka had explained that it wasn't ideal at first but her and Aliiza had came to an understanding.

The Mando siblings had managed to return to the temple unharmed, they had crashed their ship into the ship seller's yard after they tried to steal their armour, Judy ended up killing the guy while Axle torched the evidence, One thing Mortiful clan was good at was clearing up after themselves. We where all on my ship, me, Aliiza, HK, The siblings and even Ahsoka. They had boxed up the chest plate to reveal it to me.

Y/N:  Now...am I gonna be really disappointed in this work? Or so proud of it I could call you both brothers and sisters in arms?

Axle: (jokingly) Whoa, a little soon to be calling us that Y/N...

Judy: I mean...in arms? Kinda already did that with deathwatch...but we still need to officially start up the clan at some point...

Y/N: There will be a time where we will find some foundlings for the clan's future, but I doubt any of us are gonna say screw it and find women or in Judy's case a guy to continue the blood line...

Aliiza: Hey Y/N? Can Twi'lek's be mandalorian?

Y/N: If they born from one and raised as one, yes, thought it is frowned upon, I could just say "Time to go to war", Beat the guy to death and say that the child is mandalorian, cause another civil war and, maybe, kill half the population of a random planet.

I noticed Ahsoka and Aliiza both had shocked expressions as I finished my sentence.

Y/N: What? I'd do the same for you guys if you wanted a Sith or Jedi child....not that I'd favor the Jedi raised...but then sith raised isn't ideal either...

HK: You could just make them into ship cleaners Master, the ones at the temple are not trust worthy...

Y/N: You watched them clan, didn't you?

HK: Besides the point master...

Ahsoka: (impatiently) Are we gonna see this new armour or not?

Y/N: Yes, I will reveal it...

I say while I flip the lid of the box revealing my shinny new beskar chest plate, It was more armored with beskar and was even painted to the colours me and HK used before we went to Zygerria,  I picked the armour up and inspect it, it's armour was stronger and heavier, it had alloy plating around the waist of the armour. IT would take some time to get use to this armour, but I still couldn't believe how good it looked, even with a dodgy paint over.

Y/N: (chuckles) Well, the boys are gonna start calling mer a shinny with this armour.

Judy: Is it...good?

Y/N: Hmmm, it does it's job what, might need some time getting use to the weight, (looking at Judy) How did you go about making it?

Axle: We had to smelt the original piece down to Liquid Beskar, but using some extra pieces of alloy we retrieved we was able to create a more stronger chest piece.

Judy: At least this time around I don't think a missile would able to tear through the armour.

Y/N: Good, I owe Bo-Katan a good fight for how she acted back on Carlac...

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