Was It All A Lie?

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I sat there quietly on the couch, silent for the past 30 minutes. Staring at my phone I had slammed onto the floor. At this point it didn't matter if I had broken it. I couldn't tell if the news I had just received made me feel angry, shocked, or heartbroken. More like all of the above, but it definitely broke me.

30 minutes earlier

I was on sitting on the couch, watching a movie as I waited for Harry to come home from a dinner with a few of his old friends when all of the sudden I felt the couch buzzing continuously, it was my phone blowing up. I picked it up before seeing that I had been tagged a couple times in a post and comments. I scrolled further down my Lock Screen notifications of a few friends texting me.

"I just saw are you okay?"

"Y/N, answer the phone are you okay?"

"Someone sent me this.." with a photo attached. I was confused. I opened the text and enlarged the photo to see it was a screenshot from one of those update accounts. I saw the caption that read, 'Harry Styles spotted kissing Olivia Wilde in New York TONIGHT'. I looked at the photo and took a closer look to see him kissing another woman. None other than Olivia Wilde. Tears filled my eyes as my jaw dropped. I angrily threw my phone at the floor. I began to feel numb. I got up and pulled out a bottle of Chardonnay and a glass from the cabinet. I had poured myself a huge glass before grabbing the bottle and glass walking over to sit back into the couch. I sat there and almost finished more than half of the bottle. I set the half full wine glass onto the coffee table and just sat there staring blankly.

I sat there for another 10 minutes, the movie was still playing before I heard the door unlock and open. I didn't bother turning my head, knowing it was Harry. "Hi baby.." I cringed, but tried not to make it noticeable. I can't believe that he had the audacity to call me that after the fact. More tears filled my eyes as they fell down my cheeks. I said nothing. I heard him set his keys on the counter. "Are we drinking tonight? What are we celebrating?" He asked walking around the couch, I could see from the corner of my eye that he had a wine glass in hand. "More like mourning.." I finally spoke. I was surprised he hadn't seen the tear stains on my cheeks. "Who died.." He asked. I could tell by the tone in his voice he was nervous. "Our relationship.." I spoke choked up before reaching for my wine glass, downing the rest of the Chardonnay and setting the glass onto the coffee table. He was quiet. I made eye contact with him for a moment and then looked away. I couldn't even stand looking at him. "I saw the pictures.." I spoke another tear fell down my cheek. "Y/N.." He took a step towards me. "Don't.." I put my hand up. "I really, really don't want to hear your excuses right now." I said, I took a deep breath. "But I do want to know is why? Why you told me you loved me and you wanted to start a life and a family with me but then not even 5 hours later..kiss another woman. The one person you told me I'd never have to worry about.." He stayed quiet, it's not like there was anything he could say that would make me not feel as hurt as I was. "You know what the worst part in all this is? I hate myself for the fact that even though you did this, I still love you and I hate that I do because I can't even hate you. I love you. Oh my god!" I began to sob into my hands. "Y/N, you don't know how sorry I am.." He spoke. "You're sorry? Why? Sorry you hurt me or sorry you got caught.." I spat. "I love you and I trusted you and you do this to me." I stood up from the couch and picked up my phone which surprisingly wasn't broken before walking towards the front door grabbing my bag. "Wait Y/N, where are you going?" He asked. "I'm going to a hotel. I can't look at you, I can't even stand to be in the same place as you right now.." I spoke. "Y/N, please.." I heard him run up behind me. I paused in my tracks, I can't believe I almost gave in to turning around. The amount of love I had for him was what made me pause. "I'm the biggest idiot. I love you so much. Please, forgive me." He spoke,. "I can't, I want to believe you but I just can't anymore. It feels like one big lie. Everything is different now. And there's nothing you can say or do to change that because you still did it." I choked on my breath. I felt him wrap his arms around me from behind, I almost folded. I quietly sobbed as he held me. I felt him press his lips to the back of my neck. I shrugged him off. "Please, don't.." I opened the door and walked out of the house to my car. I unlocked my car tossing in my bag and closed the door. I broke out into a loud sob pounding on my steering wheel. Definitely was gonna leave a bruise on my hand. I tried to gather myself before pulling up the nearest hotel's phone number dialing to book a room. I turned the car and pulled out of the driveway heading to the hotel crying all the tears I had left. I never felt more betrayed or heartbroken in my life.

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