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Imagine you had become a young, single mom to a little girl, Margaux—Maggie, so you hadn't finished school. You were raising your little girl on your own until you met Harry when Maggie was 5 years old. Harry was so good with your daughter and was always there to help take care of her. Harry had suggested you go back to school to get the degree you wanted and he'd be able to help out with her. You spent a 4 years doing an online program to get your degree and you were finally graduating. You were getting ready in your cap and gown when Harry stood in the doorway of the bathroom. "Are you ready, darling?" He asked. "Yea, I'm a little nervous." You spoke trying to shake away your jitters. "You look great, I'm so proud of you." He smiled. You smiled back at him. "Is Maggie ready?" You asked. "We just put her shoes and coat on." He said. "Alright, let's do this." You breathed before walking out of the bedroom. "You ready to go, Magpie?" Harry asked Maggie. "Yup!" She beamed. "Alrighty then, let's go watch mumma graduate." He said before you all head out the door.

They were announcing names when they came to yours, Y/N Y/L/N. You began to walk across the stage before you heard your Harry and Maggie cheering for you and Harry whistled. "That's my mumma!" You heard your little girl shout which made you giggle. You shook the college president's hand before accepting your diploma booklet and walked across the stage. You blew a kiss to Harry and Maggie before you walked off stage and back to your seat.

After the ceremony, you found Harry and Maggie when Maggie ran up to you giving you a big hug and handing you a beautiful bouquet. Harry took a photo of the two of you before taking a selfie of the three of you. "I'm so proud of you, babe." He spoke before kissing you. "Ewww!" Maggie said before Harry grabbed her tickling her and kissed her all over her face as she giggled.

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