Cabin Baby

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Imagine you and Harry were spending your last weekend together at the cabin just a few weeks before your due date. Harry had gone to the store that was 20 minutes away to get some things for dinner. He had been gone for about 45 minutes when you started feeling cramping in your stomach. Maybe it's contractions or maybe you just had to go to the bathroom. You went to call Harry when you realized there was no cell service. You walked to the bathroom to see if you just had to go when all of the sudden the cramping worsened. A gush of water fell and pooled at your feet. Your water had broken, you felt pressure between your legs as your body felt the urge to push. You pulled off your pants and your baby was almost out. You groaned painfully realizing your baby was coming now. You did as your body told me to do and pushed. You cried out before you caught your baby girl as she cried. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.." You muttered, you were in shock. You had your baby.

You heard the front door open, your eyes widened.

"Y/N? I'm back, darling. I'm sorry I took so long. I can have dinner ready in a half hour." He called out. You were still in shock. "Baby?" He called. "Harry.." You choked out, Harry came walking into the bathroom and stood there wide-eyed. "Oh my god!" His jaw dropped. The baby softly fussed. "I guess she came a little sooner than we thought." You nervously chuckled as you held the baby. "Okay, okay. Here let's sit you down, babe." He helped you sit down onto the toilet seat. "Um, the first aid is in here somewhere." He said searching through the cabinets. He found the kit and pulled out the scissors cutting the cord. As the baby cried again and you cried. He grabbed a towel wrapping it around the baby as he grabbed another towel for you. "Are you okay, sweetheart?" He asked. "I-I don't know.." You stuttered. "It's okay, let's get you to the hospital." He carefully lifted you to the car putting you and the baby into the backseat. You was scared and still in a bit of pain. The hospital was a little bit of a drive. Luckily Harry ended up getting service to call the hospital. They were waiting for you there.

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