Emotional Birthdays

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Imagine it was your birthday and you had planned a reservation for dinner with Harry, Gemma, Michael, Sarah and Mitch. Harry was out of town filming for a movie for two weeks and he was scheduled to come home that afternoon in time for dinner. You were getting ready, putting on your makeup when you got a video call from Harry, he said he'd call when he landed. "Hi baby. You look cute." His voice chimed. "Hii!" You chirped, he softly chuckled. "I should be on my way in the next 10 minutes." You said as you put on your mascara. "About that.." He began. "Did your flight get delayed?" You asked. "They want me to stay an extra few days to refilm a few scenes so I'm not going to be able to make it to dinner tonight." He says. "Oh, okay." You spoke sadly. "I'm sorry, love. I know how excited you were to finally do something for your birthday." You sighed trying not to show your sadness as you could feel yourself beginning to well up. "I think you should still go with everyone, it'll be fun." He suggested. "No, it's fine. I didn't really wanna do anything anyway. I'll just have Gemma to cancel the reservation." You said pulling out a makeup wipe as you start removing your makeup. "Baby.." He spoke. "I said it's fine, Harry. I've got a presentation to prepare for. I'll just see you when you get back." Your voice began to choke. "Are you okay?" He asked. "I'll be fine. I gotta go.." You hung up. You looked at yourself in the mirror as tears filled your eyes before they fell down your cheeks.

What you didn't know was that Harry was planning on surprising you. Gemma had already picked up Harry from the airport to set up the party early. He and Gemma were stood in the restaurant as he got off the phone. "Shit.." He hissed. "What's wrong?" Gemma asked. "She wants to cancel the reservation." He told her. They end up heading back to your apartment to keep the surprise going.

Gemma walked into your apartment. She approached your bedroom door which was shut.
"Y/N?" She knocked. "Please, just go away.." You sniffled before she came into your bedroom.
"Come on I have a cupcake waiting. It's your favorite flavor." You just groaned as you covered your head with the duvet. "Y/N, c'mon." She said pulling the duvet off of you. "No, I don't care!" You choked out as you raised your voice, snatching the duvet back. She could hear how heartbroken you were in the sound of your voice. "Sweetheart.." Gemma softly spoke. "I'm sorry, Gemma. I appreciate your efforts, but all I wanna do is just sleep for the rest of the day." You said lying back down." You spoke. "I think I have something that might just cheer you up." She spoke. "Honestly I don't think there's anything that could cheer me up right now." You said closing your eyes before you heard heavy footsteps. "Not even me?" A familiar voice spoke. You turned your head and sat up to see Harry standing there. You couldn't help but break down into more tears. "Oh, sweets.." He came over to sit next you on the bed pulling you into his arms. You pulled away. "You lied! To me!" You pushed at his chest. "I know I'm sorry. I was planning something big. You were gonna go to dinner, have cake and I was gonna come out and surprise you. I was ask you what you wished for the second you blew out the candle, and then I was gonna take you out to the terrace and I had this speech I was preparing in the car when Gem picked me up from the airport. I was gonna tell you how much I love you and how I can't picture my life without you in it and how deeply I want to have a future with you. I was gonna ask you to marry me.." He spoke "What?" You choked out. He pulled out the small box from his jacket pocket, opening it. It revealed a gorgeous ring, it wasn't too big and it wasn't too small. Just right, as Goldie Locks would even describe it.

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