First Day

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Imagine it's Harry's daughter, Mila's first day of school, Pre-K. He helped her prepare for her first day. He put her hair in 2 low pigtails and picked out an outfit for her to wear. He made her lunch a peanut butter and jelly sandwich cut into little squares as well as packing the small bag of fruit snacks, baby carrot sticks, and a little cookie. Anne comes along to drop his daughter off in her classroom. But she doesn't want to let go of his leg. "Don't make me go daddy!" She cries. "Hey," He crouches down to her level. "I promise you. You're gonna have so much fun here peanut. You're gonna learn so much and make some friends. And then when the day is over, daddy's gonna come and pick you up. Okay?" He tells her. "Okay daddy." She says. "Okay. I love you. Can daddy get a kiss?" He asks, she puckered her small cute lips. He pecks her lips before hugging her. "I love you daddy." She says before he sends her off to go play with the little blocks at the table. He stands back up as he gets teary-eyed. Anne places her hand on his shoulder. "It's okay Harry. She's growing up, she knows you'll be back for her later." Anne tells him.

He comes back for her at the end of the day. He sees that his little girl is content coloring with crayons. The teacher asks who he's here for. "Mila, your daddy's here to pick you up." The teacher announced. She looks up from the paper with a big smile on her face as she meets his eyes. "Daddy!" She cheers before running over to him, he picks her up holding her close to him. "Hi peanut." He sets her down on the floor. "Did you have a good day?" He asks her. "Yea, I learned how to count and I got to color too!" She beamed. She ran back to the table she was sat at previously grabbing her small backpack and a piece of paper. "Is this me?" He asks. "Yes! You like it?" She asks. "It's beautiful, I love it." He smiles picking her up off the ground. "Let's go home baby." He says and they walk out the classroom door.

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