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Imagine you and Harry were in the middle of a the 3rd big blow up you've had in a week over Harry picking up more tour dates as you were on your way home from lunch with Sarah and Mitch. You had hoped to have been starting a family by now but Harry felt he had some unfinished business. You weren't going to be the partner or wife that controlled your husband but you wished he wanted what you wanted just as much.

Earlier that morning, you had been feeling quite nauseous as you were 3 weeks delayed from your monthly cycle. You had a few pregnancy tests sitting in a drawer in the bathroom. You weren't sure how the first test would turn out so you took 3 more before setting a timer on your phone.

You were pregnant. You wanted to be happy since this was something you had wanted for so long but you felt like you couldn't because of Harry's touring plans thinking about how the next 9 months to a year would look. 4 legs of his tour were scheduled to last for almost a year. Of course with a few week breaks at a time but that didn't change the fact that Harry would be half the world away while you were growing a child inside of you.

"This is something I want to do, Y/N. I have to do this for them. They've waited so long and I owe them that so you're just going to have to accept it." He explained. "So you expect to wait until I'm the age where it's riskier to have kids just so you can go and tour the world until you run out of energy?" You raised your voice. "I never said that. I'm just saying that I want to be able to do this while I still can." He said. "And what about me? What about us? I want a family." You told him. "I know you do, love. I do too. We shouldn't let my career stop or dictate when or whether we choose to start our family or not. I don't know why you're acting like this. If you're my wife and you can't be supportive of my career and what I choose to do, then what's the point?" You felt the nausea build up strongly in your stomach as you attempted not to gag. "Pull the car over, Harry." You told him. "Y/N.." He spoke. "I said pull the car over! Now! I think I'm gonna be sick."
Harry pulled the car over as you unbuckled your seatbelt and got out of the car before rushing over to the grass to empty your stomach. "Darling?" He asked. "I'm fine.." You shrugged him off. "Here, drink this." He handed you a bottle of water. "I said, I'm fine." You said pushing the water away. "I don't care, just drink the damn water. Please?" He raised his voice. You obliged and drank the water. "You're bossy.." You said. "Sorry, I'm just worried about you. Are you okay?" He asked. "Now you're worried? You basically just said what's the point if I can't be a supportive wife." You said handing him the water bottle. "I just don't understand why you're acting like this. What are you pregnant or something?" He joked, you sighed. "According to the positive tests I took this morning, I think I am." You told him, his jaw dropped slightly. "Oh, love.." He breathed. You looked towards the ground. "We're having a baby?" He asked as he stepped closer to you. "I guess so.." You spoke. "We're having a baby!" He cheered. "You're okay with this?" You asked. "Of course I am! I might have to talk with Jeff about pushing a few things around but I'm happy for us. This is huge!" He said, you could see the excitement in his face. "We're having a baby, Y/N!" He grabbed your waist. "We're having a baby.." You smiled before hugging him.

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