Fake it

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You and Harry had a messy break-up. A Almost 10 years together but the constant distance because of work and the continuous arguments. You weren't sure if you had both just fallen out of love, it didn't feel like it wasn't worth fighting for anymore. It had gone on for years but you weren't ready to let go until now when you both just gave up and it wasn't healthy for either one of you or your 3 year old daughter, Starr.

It was about a month or so that you and Harry had decided to file for divorce, you hadn't told anyone. Not your family, not Gemma. You couldn't even bring yourself to tell your mother in law, soon to be ex mother in law. Anne had always been there for you, you didn't have the easiest relationship with your parents but she was the closest thing to being your mum. It broke your heart a bit, you knew you'd always be able to see her especially with Starr—but it wouldn't be the same. Harry said he'd handle it.

You were at Anne's to finish planning her wedding with her partner, Darren. "I can't wait for yours and Harry's speech." You quietly smile and nodded. You knew Harry hadn't told her. You were about to tell her when Starr had come running into the kitchen. "Mumma! Mumma!" She beamed. "Hi, sweet girl. Did you and Daddy have fun at the zoo?" You asked as you lifted her onto your lap. "Yea! We saw the monkeys and the sea lions, we saw elephants and giraffes too mama!" She cheered. You giggled at her excitement from their day before Harry walked into the kitchen, we exchanged brief eye contact before I turned my head back to the color swatches on the table. "Hey, how's the planning going?" Harry asked. "Your mum was just telling me how excited she was for our speeches." He tried not to make a face with his reaction, it had totally slipped his mind that it was a tradition to make a toast at the wedding from most recently wedded and the longest wedded couples. You and Harry had been the most recent couple in the family to be married. 3 years. "Oh right. Yea." Harry spoke. "Hey, pumpkin. Come sit with Nanny and help her put together the colors. I need to have a talk with daddy." You said placing her in your chair next to Anne. You walked out to the front porch of the house as Harry followed behind came outside on the front step with you.
"You didn't tell her we're getting a divorce?" You ask. "I know, I'm sorry. I didn't have the heart to tell her. I figured we could wait until after the wedding." He said. "Fine." You sighed. "What?" He asked. "I said, fine. We can wait.." You said. "Thank you.." He said, you walked back into the house.

A Few Days Later - At The Reception

"Thank you, everyone for coming out tonight." He then began to clear his throat. You could hear the emotion in his voice. "Um, it's been a tradition in this family that the longest marriage and the most recently married couple make a speech. My wife and I as the most recently married are going to make a toast."

You and Harry had made a lovely conjoined speech about your life together and what it was without spoiling the moment and how much you as a couple looked up to Anne and her partner. It was really sweet and there wasn't much of a dry eye in the crowd.

The night carried on as everyone was in the backyard dancing to the music. You and Harry were sat at your table when the band began to play the song that was yours and Harry's first dance. Harry looked over at you. "It's our song.." He spoke. You nodded as you took a sip of your drink before setting the glass back down onto the table. "Should we dance? I don't want your mum to be suspicious." You asked. He nodded standing up, you took his hand before walking out onto the dance floor trying to put on a brave and happy face. You and Harry began to sway to what was your song. "I remember when we had our first dance. We were so in love..I honestly don't know what happened to us." Harry spoke. "I don't know either." You said turning your head away from him. "Y/N?" He spoke. "Yes Harry." You replied. "I know we may have ended things sourly, but.." He began. "I still love you.." You paused as you stepped away from him. "I can't do this, I'm sorry." You apologize as you began to walk away. "Y/N, wait.." You heard him call out before you walked into the house. Anne noticed the tension between the two of you as you had walked away. She approached Harry.
"What's wrong?" She asked him. He sighed, "Okay, mum. I hate saying this because we wanted to wait until after the wedding but..Y/N and I decided we're getting a divorce." He confessed sadly, Anne frowned. "Oh, love..are you okay?" She asked. "I'm fine, I mean it's been hard but I honestly think Y/N is taking it worse. She's been trying to put on a brave face for everyone and for Starr but I think this has just been hard for the both of us." He said. "I can go talk to her." Anne walked towards the house to come find you.

You were upstairs in the guest bedroom with the door closed as you sniffled, crying most of your mascara off. There was a knock at the door. "Who is it?" You asked. "It's me, dear. May I come in?" Anne asked. "Sure." You replied quickly wiping away your tears. She entered the bedroom giving you a sympathetic look. "Sweetheart.." She spoke.
"Harry told you..I'm sorry, Anne. We decided to wait until after the wedding because we didn't want to ruin the speeches or your day." "Love, you haven't ruined anything. I appreciate you for helping me get through the process to get to today. I couldn't be more grateful for you." She said. "What happened between you two?" She asked. "I don't know, we were so in love at the beginning but the distance and then the arguments it just made it harder and harder to fight for our marriage and I gave up. And it hurts because I still love him. I probably always will but it was tolling. And what makes it hurt more is that you won't be my mother in law. Anne, you're the closest person I've had to a mother.." You said tearfully. "Hey, no matter what happens. You'll always be my daughter.." She says as she grabs a tissue from the box on the night table wiping your tears.

You and Harry hadn't had much of a conversation, you didn't feel the need to try and talk it to death if there wasn't much to talk about. You both had already made the decision but after reminiscing your wedding day with your first dance and talking with Anne and realizing you both still loved each other, maybe there was a way you could still try to make your marriage work.

There was a knock at the bedroom door. "Who is it?" You asked. "Y/N, it's me." Harry's voice answered. "Come in, sweetheart." Anne spoke. Harry walked into the bedroom, his eyes met yours. "Hi.." He spoke. "Hi.." You replied. "I'll let you two talk.." Anne stood up and left the room. Harry walked further into the room as he sat down on the bed next to you. "Are you okay?" He asked. You nodded. "I talked with your mum and I was wondering if you think we could give us another try maybe?" You asked, he had a small smile across his lips. "I would like that." He replied. You smiled back at him before you hesitantly but slowly leaned in kissing him. His lips pressed into yours and you felt that spark you once had before and hadn't felt in a long time. And you pressed the restart button on your marriage trying to work things out better than you did the first time.

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