I'll Take Care Of You

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Harry had a show tonight. He didn't look well. I was worried. His voice was hoarse, coughing while sat in front of a humidifier. "Baby, I know you love performing, but are you sure you don't want to postpone and rest. "I can't afford to miss a show." He coughed. I made him some honey tea in the microwave for him. "Thank you.." He said before sipping it. A knock came at the door. "Harry, go time in 5." One of the crew members announced.

Harry was on stage performing and I could tell he definitely wasn't well for most of the show. He kept covering up his coughs. I look up at the large screen, I could see the tears in his eyes as he sang Sign Of The Times. He looked exhausted, he had been using his inhaler for most of the night—which he never normally does. "Oh, Harry.." I whispered to myself. Seeing him up there looking so tired, broke my heart a bit. I brought my fingers to my bracelet tapping it in Morse Code, sending a pulse to his. I love you.

I saw him smile lightly as more tears filled his eyes, he pulled the microphone from the stand asking the crowd to sing. I saw him reach for his bracelet as the stage lights went dark. He tapped me back. I love you too.

Harry finished his last 2 songs before exiting the stage. Security led me back to his dressing room.
I knocked on his door. "Baby?" I called opening the door. Harry was sitting on the couch, I walked up to him. He was breathing heavily, I could hear the wheezes coming from his throat. "I'm so exhausted." He breathed bringing his hand to my waist. "I know love.." I ran my fingers through his hair. "I'm glad you get the next few days off so I can take care of you." He stood up and he wrapped an arm around me. I wrapped my arm around him picking up his bag as we walked out of the dressing room to go back to the hotel.

We made it back to the hotel room. "Go lie down my love, I'm gonna grab something from the store real quick. I'll be back." I told him. He nodded before I went to go get some cough relief as well as some tea and cough drops from Walgreens down the street.

When I came back, Harry was still lying in the bed. "You're back." He coughed. "Yea, now I can take care of you. I set the bag on the night table and crawled onto the bed, climbing on top of him straddling his waist. "Take off your shirt.." I said. "This isn't how I thought you'd be taking care of me." He smirked clearing his hoarse throat. He placed his hands on my waist. "Oh stop.." I gently slapped his chest. He chuckled as he took off his t-shirt throwing it onto the floor. I reached over to the night table to grab the Vick's Vapor rub I purchased from the bag. "This is how I'm taking care of you, now just breathe and relax." I said opening the little pot and scooped a generous amount onto my fingers before lathering his chest up in the mentholated topical ointment. "Mm that feels nice love.." He said hoarsely. He closed his eyes before I could hear his soft, deviated snores. I rubbed my hands together of what was left from the vapor rub before moving a piece of hair out of his face. I gently got off his waist and got into bed next to him pulling the covers over us, Harry shifted turning onto his side facing me, luckily I didn't lather him up too much, I pulled him close to me, as he rested his head on my chest, I twirled my fingers through his hair before I fell asleep.

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