Fall Glum

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⚠️TW: Seasonal Depression⚠️

It was November, the weather was getting colder as you were slowly becoming in your seasonal melancholic state. You laid in the bedroom of yours and Harry's New York apartment, snuggled underneath the soft duvet as your will and energy to get up weren't there. You just laid there closing your eyes just mentally exhausted when Harry came walking into the bedroom. "Babyyy!" He sang, you groaned in annoyance. He came and sat down onto the bed next to you. "C'mon! We have plans today, darling." He said as he began to tug at the duvet. You tugged the duvet back over you holding on tight. "No, not today Harry. I don't feel good." You mumbled, he placed the back of his hand onto your forehead, feeling for a temperature. "Hmm..well you don't have a fever. C'mon, we're supposed to meet with my mum at 2 o' clock. That gives you 40 minutes to get dressed and get ready. I'm sure you'll feel better then, love."  He says as he leans down kissing your cheek.  "No, Harry!" I shouted pushing him away. "I don't feel like doing anything today. I'm sorry, please. I love you. But I need you to leave me alone. Please, just leave me alone.." You mumbled. "Oh..ok." He sounded like he just had his heart broken and you immediately felt guilty. You know he only cared. You heard him leave the bedroom closing the door behind him before you heard the front door close moments later. You were now in your apartment, alone as you cried into your pillow.

You had been silently crying for 20 minutes when you heard the bedroom door open. "Darling?" Harry's voice spoke. You quickly wiped the tears from your face. "Mm." You mumbled. "I have something for you. He says, you turn from your side to face him, sitting up. You saw him standing there with a little gift basket and a bouquet of your favorite flowers. "Harry..what's this?" You spoke, he walked over to the bed placing the basket down before he sat down and handed you the flowers. "These are for you baby.." He spoke. "What about lunch with your mum?" You asked him. "It's okay, I called her and she understands. We can reschedule for another time." He told you. He brought his hand up to your cheek. You leaned your head into his gentle touch. You leaned the weight of your head into his hand. "Are you okay, darling?" He asked, you sighed. "I just feel...defeated." You confessed, drawing your eyes away from him as you fought your quivering lip. "I'm sorry.." You apologized as tears fell onto your cheek. "Oh babe..you don't have to apologize for anything." He spoke, you were quiet. Harry pulled the basket from next to him placing it in your lap. "I got you your favorites, snacks, sweets, and.." He grabbed a pink envelope that stuck out of the basket handing it to you. "This.." He spoke, you take the envelope opening it revealing a sweet card with an elephant on the front of it holding flowers saying 'for you'. You opened the card as it read in his slightly messy handwriting,

My darling,
You are beautiful, you are loved, and you are everything. You are my sun, moon, and stars. Not enough words can say how much I love you but I hope you know I do. I'm sorry you aren't feeling well but I hope these sweets and flowers cheer you up at least but I love you.

Yours Truly,
     - H

He had drawn a little heart and a small smiley face. It made you smile. "Harry.." You look up from the card teary-eyed. "I don't deserve you." You spoke as you pouted your bottom lip. He brought his hand back up to your cheek. "You deserve the world and more, my love.." He said, you smiled setting down the card before leaning towards him grabbing his face to kiss him. You pulled away. "I love you.." You lightly smiled, he smiled back at you. "I love you too, darling. Just tell me what you need...whatever you need."

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