Dance Dad

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Imagine Harry being a Dance Dad for his little girl, Rosie. When you started working full time, Harry decided to become the stay-at-home parent.

Rosie was a 7 year old with a lot of talent. She was truly born to dance. When she was younger, you would put on her favorite show Angelina Ballerina. She would watch as the mice dance on the television and try and recreate the dance and learn the steps in the living room. You and Harry had decided to enroll Rosie in ballet classes when she was 3.

You and Harry had bought Rosie leotards, tutus, ballet shoes, and ballet dolls. She even wanted her room to be ballerina themed. When she started dance she became a natural at it. Of course, Harry wanted to take credit for it. She's won a couple trophies and a medal or ribbon here and there. You were both proud parents of your little girl and were happy that she loved what she was doing and was having fun. You both knew she'd one day maybe become a professional dancer if she wanted to.

When you were busy working the same weekend she had one of her first dance competitions, Harry was in charge of getting her ready with her hair, makeup and sometimes the costumes if needed. Harry printed out the itinerary that was emailed out by Rosie's dance company. Rosie had only a solo since the competition's age group for group numbers was cut off at 8 and up.

Rosie had a beautiful pop-disco solo to the song Waterloo by ABBA. She was a little disco star on stage with so much energy. Harry made sure to record her dance on his phone for you to watch later. The dance won her first place and a Little Junior Miss award, which meant she got her first crown. Harry was ecstatic as he cheered and whistled the loudest he ever had. He was proud of his little girl.

After the awards ceremony, Harry waited outside the dressing room with his mother and sister before little Rosie came running with her trophy and medal wearing her crown. "There's our little dancer!" Anne cheered. "Hi Rose Bud!" Gemma beamed. "Oh Petal! You did so good!" He picked her up off the ground, tears filled his eyes. "Why are you crying, daddy?" She asked. "Daddy's just so proud of you. I sent mumma your routine, she's gonna be so proud of you, peanut." He smiled. Anne and Gemma both took photos of him and Rosie with the same big smile.

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