Baby Number Two Final

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Part 3 - final part
Imagine you were standing in the living room, 9 months pregnant and your due date just around the corner. Campelle was down for her afternoon nap time. Harry was folding some laundry as you helped put it into a basket before he carried it upstairs to be put away. You felt wetness between your legs and begin to pool at your bare feet looking down realizing you had not wet yourself but your water had broken. "Harry?" You called out. "Yes, darling?" You didn't answer you were in a little bit of shock. Harry came running down the stairs, he looked at you as you stood there. "What's wrong?" You looked up at him. "My water broke." You gave a short, breathy chuckle. It took a moment for himself to realize what was happening. "Okay, okay. Um I'll call the Heidi!" He stammered before running to go call your midwife.

Campbelle was up from her nap. You were in the kitchen breathing through your contractions leaning against the island table. Harry brought her downstairs on his hip. "Someone's awake and wants to give mumma a kiss before going to Aunt Sarah and Uncle Mitch's. Give mumma a kiss." Harry spoke. "Hi, sweet girl. Thank you that's so nice." "You're doing so well, darling. Here's your water bottle. Is there anything else I can do? Anything you need before I go drop her off?" "Maybe some ice chips from the fridge please." Harry sat Campbelle on the counter. She picked up your water bottle handing it to you. "Dwink mumma." She said. "Thank you, baby." You took a sip of the water before you felt another contraction. "Deep bweathes mumma." She said putting her hand on top of yours. "Tell mumma how well she's doing, peanut." Harry told her. "So good mumma." She says. "Alright, I'm going to take her over. Heidi should be on her way. I will be right back. Say bye to mumma, Belly." Harry said. Campbelle waved her goodbye before they left.

When Harry came back from dropping of Campbelle, your midwife and her assistant had arrived and helped prepare for your water birth. You were in the inflatable pool, breathing through each contraction as they got closer together. Harry held your hand as you leaned your arms over the edge of the pool. The midwife checked the baby's heart rate and checked your dilation. It was time to get things moving.

You had moved to the bed into a more comfortable position. Harry was coaching you through your delivery. "You're doing so good! Keep it going." He cheered you on. "I can't, I can't. I'm so tired." I cried. "Yes you can, love. You're almost there. One more push." He encouraged. You gave one more push before
you sighed relieved as all that pressure and all the pain went away. "Oh my god.." Harry spoke. You looked as you pulled the baby up onto your chest. "It's a boy!" The midwife cheered. "Oh my god! Hi, baby. Hi!" You cried as your little boy cried on your chest. You looked up at Harry before he pressed his lips against yours. "We have another baby.." You smiled.

Harry had texted Sarah to bring Campbelle back over to meet the baby. "Someone wants to meet their little sister or brother." "It's a boy.." You smiled. "Oh my gosh! Our babies are gonna be best friends." Sarah chirped. "Hey Belly, do you wanna meet your baby brother?" Harry asked taking her from Sarah. Harry placed Campbelle in the bed next to you as she looked down at the baby. "What's his name?" She asked. "Daddy and I are still thinking. Do you have any ideas, baby?" You asked. "I wike daddy's name." She smiled. "You want the baby to be named after daddy?" You asked. "Yea!" She chirped. "But how will we know who is who, Belly?" Harry asked. "Daddy is Big Hawwy. Brudder is Wittle Hawwy." You chuckled. "We'll think about it. Do you have any other ideas?" You asked. "Hmm." She thought for a moment. "Yucas!" She smiled "Lucas?" You asked. "Mhm. I like it. What do you think, daddy?" You looked up at him. "I think it's perfect." He smiled. "What if we gave him daddy's name as his middle name." "I wike it. Wet's do it!" She smiled, you and Harry laughed. "Lucas it is then." You smiled.

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