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Imagine Harry is at home getting ready to cook dinner while you were at work and your 16 year old daughter, Vivienne was upstairs studying for her prep exams. Harry's pulled out the pots and ingredients to make some Alfredo when Vivienne walks downstairs with her books, she's exhausted from studying all day. She wanted to make sure she could get a perfect score to get into a good university. She was really pushing herself, which had you and Harry a little worried but she said she could handle it. So you let her take care of it. "Hi, peanut. I'm about to get started on dinner.." He says as she sighs sitting down at the island table across from him. She's looking through her textbook when Harry lifts his head noticing she looking a little flushed. Vivienne's running her hand through her scalp slightly tugging at her hair. "Viv?" He asks concerned, she sighs, he could hear the stress in her sigh. "What's wrong?" He asks. "I just...I don't get this! How am I supposed to put all of this into my brain and remember it all by Monday. Half of this crap I wouldn't even need to know in 10 years and half of it doesn't even make sense." Her voice begins to choke up. "It's okay, Viv.." He tries to calm her down. "No it's not! I've been studying this for a the past month and.." She begins to choke on her breath as she feels shortness of breath. "I haven't slept in a week trying to study and understand this." She's flustered, Harry notices she's beginning to panic. "Vivi.." He spoke. "I can't..I can't breathe." She begins to cry, her hands start to shaking. Harry quickly rushes around the table, pulling out a stool to sit in front of her. He grabs her hands. "What's happening?" She cries. "'re having a panic attack. Look at me sweetheart." He placed his hands on her cheeks. "I need you to breathe for me. Okay?" He gets her breathing to normalize before she breaks down crying. "Oh angel.." He has his hand on her cheek caressing it with his thumb, he then kissed her forehead as he stands up from the stool. "I've got're okay." He whispers as he wraps his arms around her. This was what you and Harry were worried about. Vivienne was stressed, tired, and overwhelmed. The poor thing. "Why don't you take a break and go lie down on the couch, pick out a film. I can order delivery for dinner instead." He suggests, Vivienne nods. Harry pulls his phone out from his back pocket to order delivery from your guys' favorite pizzeria. He thought that he could spend some quality time with his daughter who definitely needed someone.

After he ordered, you walked into through the front door. You greet your daughter that you see lying on the sofa in the living room but she's quiet. "Well, okay then.." You say before walking into the kitchen to greet your husband as he's putting away everything he had brought before. "Hi, darling.." He greets you with a kiss as her wraps his arms around your waist. "What's going on?" You whisper. "Viv just had a panic attack. I think she's okay now but she overworked herself a bit studying for that prep exam." He whispers to you. It didn't surprise you since she was just like you and had so much drive in being a perfectionist, not wanting to let anyone down. She didn't want to let her parents or herself down, but you and Harry were as supportive as you could be—without being too much. "Oh kid.." You sigh. "I ordered delivery, which should be here in 20 minutes. I had Vivienne put on a movie. Why don't you go up and wash up because I hate to say it babe, but you're a little stinky." He chuckled, "Hey!" You playfully slap his chest. "I don't see you working 9-5 shifts with babies pooping and peeing and getting sick all over you." You lightly snapped back at him, you were a daycare teacher working with babies 4 months to 3 years old. He wasn't wrong though you did smell a bit. You went up to shower before Harry walked out of the kitchen to go sit on the couch next to Vivienne who was underneath a blanket. Harry sat down as your daughter adjusted her position lying her head onto his lap as they waited for you to come downstairs. She had turned on her favorite holiday film, White Christmas. They watched the film when Vivienne fell asleep before you came downstairs from your shower. You notice that Vivienne was asleep, you softly chuckled in awe but could she that she was exhausted. You felt for her but was happy she was getting her rest, you pulled another blanket that was sitting on the back of the couch before you sat next to Harry placing the blanket over your lap resting your head on his shoulder as you watched the rest of the film. Just a night, with his girls.

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