Tummy Troubles

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It was the middle of the night as the night before you had eaten something for dinner that wasn't settling right with your stomach. You had spent a long time in the bathroom while your husband, Harry was in bed asleep. He had woken up to an empty bed as he saw the bathroom light was on through the bottom of the closed door. He got up to knock on the door after hearing you whimper. "Darling, you alright in there?" He asked. "I'm okay, honey..just go back to bed." You said trying to hide the pain in your voice. "Are you sure, love?" He spoke. "Yea, I'm just having really bad tummy troubles." You cried. "Aw, baby..I'm gonna get you a glass of water and some toast. Maybe that'll help." He said before he went to the kitchen to grab you a glass of water and put a piece of bread in the toaster before it was finished bringing them both to you.

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