Not So Little Anymore

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Imagine you and Harry, your husband are getting ready to attend your daughter's wedding. She's the baby of the family amongst her 3 older brothers. "Can you believe it? Our little girl's getting married. Our peanut." He says as you fix his tie. "She's not so little anymore, Harry." You tear up. He knew you were right, his little girl was all grown up. "I know we said she'd be our last baby, but what if we had just one more? Please?" He begged. "Honey, you know that ship sailed long ago. Tubes have been tied like sailors knots." I joked. "I miss having a baby around the house sometimes." He admits. "I know you do. But just think of it when our baby has a baby. They'll definitely be around the house more."

You gave Harry's suggestion of having another baby some thought and came to a decision to adopt a little 6 month old baby girl named Mila.

You were parents to now 5 children. Bentley, Landon, Jude, Thea and now little Mila, you couldn't have been happier.

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