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Imagine Harry arriving to his red carpet event for a film festival in Los Angeles that was premiering a new Marvel movie he was starring. You wanted to surprise Harry with your daughter, Riley. She was old enough for this movie—being 8 especially with her love of Marvel Super Hero's. You both stood at the closed off corner of barricades. Harry had arrived in his limo as fans begin to scream and call for his name. He posed for pictures and signed a few autographs as he made his way down the carpet closer to you and Riley. You tell her to start calling out for him. "Daddy! Daddy!" Riley called, he popped his head up and he knew it was her. He turned his head around looking everywhere trying to find her when his eyes found yours and he smiled making his way over to you, he has security remove the barricade before he immediately picks up her up kissing her cheek. "Hi peanut!" He beamed. "Hi darling.." He says pecking your lips before you're lead inside to be sat down for the premiere. A question and answering session occurred before the movie premiered.

"So, I understand only a few you of have kids of your own, is that right?" The leading festival director, Andy asked. "Yea, that'd be me, Cumberbatch, and Styles." Chris Hemsworth answered. "Well, this question is from Harley from the AMC theatre in Long Island, New York. Do your kids have a favorite marvel character? We'll start on the end with you first Harry." Andy asked. "Well, my daughter—Riley's had a few favorites, she says it changes depending on which movie she's watching. One day she'll watch one of Tom Holland's Spider-Man movies and Peter Parker is her favorite and if she watches Black Widow, Natasha Romanoff is her favorite. She called me the other night before going to bed saying she finally watched the first Eternals movie, I was honestly quite surprised with how content she was watching the whole movie and waited to see me in the end, she liked it a lot actually and she says, "Daddy, you're my favorite hero." A few people awed, "But, who knows? It might Captain Marvel tomorrow." Everyone laughed.

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