You Let Me Go

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Imagine you and Harry had been in a long-term, committed relationship, together for 8 years and married for 4. You were so in love, as if you were soulmates—meant to be. There was a moment, it was after you got married when you found out that you weren't able to conceive a baby. You were overly insecure that your relationship would soon fall apart because you believed everything you touch broke and every relationship you'd be in was deemed for failure. But that day, Harry reassured you with promises you wish he could've kept. "Darling, listen to me. I'm always gonna love you—no matter what."

It was a couple months after you found out before you felt like if you weren't going to have kids of your own that you were never going to feel like a mom, even if you tried your hardest and give your all to be a parent. You would love any child that came into your life but you were convinced that you would never be a mother or at least be a good mother. You had an argument about what your options could've been, adopting or finding a surrogate but you felt it was too much pain for you. The news had really let Harry down a bit because he wanted to be a dad. He saw kids in his future, whether he had kids of his own or adopted them. It broke him.

Recently you noticed Harry was becoming more and more distant and that was when you had become less intimate—all the cuddles, all the kisses, all the late night conversations; they all slowly began to fade away. You and Harry agreed you'd go to do some couples counseling together to try and find a solution to maybe save your marriage. You had counseling together and separately and with the 9 sessions you had, it wasn't getting anywhere. You were at an 10th session together in midst of an argument that started because the counselor asked how you felt about each other.

"There's obviously something you aren't telling me. Is it the baby thing? Just say it!" "Fine! Yes! It's the baby thing! That's my issue!" He said. "Okay, then let's talk about it." You said, "You knew I always wanted kids and wanted to be a dad. You wanted to be a mom. And you didn't say anything. I don't care if we don't have kids of our own. I just wanted to be a parent. Why did you change your mind about kids?" He asked. "Because it hurts too much! It hurts to think that we'll adopt a baby and every time I look at him or her and be reminded that we couldn't have one. To think of the one day they possibly want to find their birth parents and I'll be anything other than a mother. I can't do it Harry! I can't!" You blurted. "Then maybe we should just get a divorce!" He blurted. You were in shock before it turned into heartbreak but you weren't surprised. You figured as much. You both stood there quietly for about 5 minutes as you were trying to process what he just said. "That's what you want?" You asked. He didn't answer. "You promised.. 'No matter what'.." Your voice broke. He looked down as he felt if he was hit in the gut. "I know.." He sighed. "You broke your promise, you slipped away and you let me go.." You choked out. "I know.." He repeated. "I still love you, I honestly think I always will." He said. "I think..." You took a breath. "I think I'm done for today." You choked out. "Y/N.." He spoke before you grabbed your coat. "I'm sorry, I have to go.." You spoke before you left your session.

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