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Imagine you and Harry, your husband had gone through treatment after treatment of IVF which was unfortunately unsuccessful. You were heartbroken but you were trying not to show it.

Harry was at the children's hospital to volunteer, he had gone every day for the last week. He loved kids, you know he did. He'd come up with any excuse to see his godchildren, his niece, his nephews, You were at home wallowing in tears when Harry gave you a call. You quickly wiped away your tears and cleared your throat before answering.

"Hello?" You answered. "Hi, love.." He spoke.
"Hi.." You replied. "Could you do me a favor?"
"I think I left my wallet on the table before I left, I was hoping to get some crisps from the vending machine and it wasn't in my pocket. Would you mind bringing it to the hospital for me?" He asked. You were trying to hold back your tears. "Mhm." You mumbled. "Are you alright, darling?" He asked. You silently released some tears. "Yea, I'm fine. I will come drop your wallet off right now." You spoke before hanging up. You wiped away your tears again before you went and found Harry's wallet right where he left it on the dining room table and headed out the door.

You arrived at the hospital parking in the lot before entering the hospital. You knew what floor he was on his you had recently visited him a few days before.

When you had arrived onto the familiar floor you approached the nurse's station. "Excuse me, do you know where I can find my husband?" You asked the nurse. "You're Harry's wife, Y/N?" The nurse asked you. "That's me." You replied. "It's nice to meet you, I'm Alice." She introduced herself. "He should be in 408, it's the fourth one down the hallway on the left." She said directing you. You thanked her before heading that way.

You found the hospital room as you saw his back turned as slowly rocking side to side. "There you are.." You softly spoke. He turned around. "Hi.." He whispered as he held the baby in his arms. "Is this Nala?" You questioned as you walked further into the room before setting his wallet and your keys on the desk. He nodded. Nala was a 6 month old baby girl. She's apart of the International Orphan Program. Harry had explained to you that she had a CSF leak, Cerebrospinal Fluid. The doctors had put in a shunt to stop the leaks and seizures.

As he held Nala, you could see it on his face, especially in his eyes. He was just in awe of that baby girl as she slept in his arms. "Harry, what is it?" You ask. "Just being here everyday, I don't know, babe. Every time I picked up this little girl and I looked at her and I've just fallen in love with her more and more." He told you. "She's...perfect.." He spoke. Nala began to wake up as she looked right at you. "Hi!" You beamed. "You want to hold her for a moment? I have to use the loo real quick." He asked. You were hesitant. "Harry, I don't-" He cut you off. "You'll be fine, I'll be quick." He said handing her off to off. She began to fuss a bit but you thought of the perfect song to sing to her.

Baby Mine from the Disney film, Dumbo

"Baby mine, don't you cry. Baby mine, dry your eyes. Rest your head close to my heart, never to part baby of mine.."

She stopped crying as she looked up at me. I smiled. She had that little sparkle in her eye that made it hard not to be in awe and fall in love with her.

When you and Harry had gotten home from the hospital, he had ordered take out. And as you had finished your meal, Harry was at the kitchen sink cleaning dishes before putting things into the dishwasher. You were sat at the island table behind him. "Harry? Can I talk to you about something?" You ask. "What is it, baby?" He replied. "Today, when I saw how you were with Nala and I was thinking...what if we adopted her?" You suggested, Harry turned his head. "Adopted her?" He asked. "I know it's a lot but after looking at her and seeing you with her, I want to be her mom. I love her." You told him. He turned to face you. "This is something you want?" He asked. "I know we'll have to talk with her doctor and a social worker but. This is what I want. I want to be a mom, her mom and I want to see you be her dad." You replied. "I want to be her dad, more than anything.." He spoke, you smiled. "We're gonna have a baby." You beamed. "We're gonna have a baby.." He repeated smiling.

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