Harry as a Dad

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just imagine harry as a dad:
- he gets up early in morning to make his kids lunches and writes on a little sticky note
- he takes polaroid photos of his kids every year on their birthday and putting the photo from that year in his wallet/pocket and switching it out and putting the past photos into a scrapbook
- he puts his daughter's hair in pigtails or little buns asking her if she wants piggies or bunnies
- he would paint his kids nails if they asked him to
- after you have your baby, he's always holding the baby—never wanting to let them go because he doesn't want to miss any of those cute/baby moments, even if it's just watching the baby sleep
- when he's reading, he lets the kids cuddle up next to him while he reads his book
- while your baby is still learning to walk, he has the baby hold onto his fingers as they walk.
- he sings them to sleep every night
- he's standing and talking with the rest of the dads at the family get together while all the kids play, he's holding his youngest—his daughter on his hip as she rests her head on his shoulder
- he's sat down for an interview with Zane Lowe while he's holding his 4 month old daughter, feeding her a bottle before he has her on his chest and she is a sleep for the remainder of the interview as he softly caresses her back.
- he gets a tattoo of a puzzle piece for each child he has outlined in a different color as each is born, he connects the pieces together

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