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- he's the stay at home dad on the PTA board
- he's the dad who coaches the kids' soccer team and he always has the snacks and water bottles/gatorade always
- he always does the driving for the kids carpool
- he always bakes cookies or brownies for the kids bake sales
- he asks for all the kids allergies to be listed
- he is always one of the parent chaperones on the field trips who always has the fun car
- he wakes up an hour earlier before waking the kids to make sure their lunches are situated and well put together with a handwritten note
- he also makes pancakes, oatmeal, and french toast for breakfast for the kids every morning and some mornings he'll make pop tarts in the toaster, get bagels, or pour bowls of cereal to switch it up for the kids so they aren't eating the same thing every morning but he's always making sure they're eating something no matter if it's just a few bites or they eat it all just as long as they have breakfast
- he's the parent that helps come up with spirit wear ideas
- he's one of the parents who helps put together the rooms for the holiday parties
- he paints the kids nails if they ask
- he takes the kids to their extracurriculars or after school sports
- he's one of the first parents in line at the pick up drop off for school and always has small snacks packed along with water for them to eat in the car on the way if they're hungry
- he helps the kids out with their lemonade stands and gives them a little bit of encouragement for them to get them started
- he builds forts with his kids and sets up movie nights
- he helps them with their homework before or while cooking dinner and when he doesn't know the answers or how to help, he'll either spend 20 minutes looking for the answer on Google and YouTube or he'll call around to his friends, Anne, or Gemma to help figure it out
- he always sets up snacks for the kids sleepovers with their friends
- he's singing them to bed every night
- when the kids have no school, he'll spend the whole day playing with them or he'll take them out for a family day like to the park, to get ice cream, or to the zoo or just for a walk
- he has tea parties, plays dress up with the kids
- he helps the kids put together their halloween costumes

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