A Night Of Surprises

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Requested by @PandaKawaii300

Imagine it was your birthday and and recently you had found out you were expecting. You were 15 weeks along. You had been excited to tell Harry but he had also been busy as of late. You'd ask him when you both had the time to share your big news with him. You both had off schedules that never lined up with each others. On your days off he'd be working and vise versa. There was rarely a time that you were both home at the same time. The last couple weeks, he'd be home after you'd gone to bed and gone before you'd even been awake. He seemed distant and secretive making quiet phone calls and shrugging you off if you had asked him who he was on the phone with. With Harry sneaking around and keeping his distance, your initial thoughts were that this was Harry's way of letting you down easy before ending things with you. That maybe he was leaving you for someone else. You were worried since there was now a baby involved.

That morning, you'd woken up on your day off to Harry gone again. There was no note, no little surprise, not that you were expecting anything but you would've thought if Harry would be leaving before you woke up he'd leave you with at least a small note wishing you a happy birthday. You had gotten a few messages and calls from your parents and a few friends sending their birthday wishes. You had invited some of them to a birthday dinner but nobody was available. It was either work or people were out of town. You were understanding towards there unavailability. You sighed a little disappointed so decided that you'd just sit home.

You had spent the entire day sitting in the living room on the couch you were back and forth switching through channels and dealing with your nausea when Harry walked into the apartment. You turned your head towards him for a moment before return your head towards the television. "Hi, baby.." He spoke. "Mm.." You mumbled as you rested your head on your hand. "What's wrong?" He asked taking off his jacket. "Nothing, Harry.. Just leave me alone." You spoke before you got up to walk away. "Did I do something wrong?" He questioned, you sighed again before turning around. "You don't know what day today is?" You asked. His jaw dropped before he answered. "Shit, I'm sorry. I almost forgot. Happy Birthday." He said. You shook your head before almost walking away again. "Wait, Y/N." You groan before he spoke again. "Why don't I take you out to dinner? I wanna catch up and maybe talk to you about something." He suggested. "I really don't want to do anything Harry." You tell him. "Oh c'mon, darling. I said I was sorry." He said. "It doesn't matter anymore, Harry. I'm tired, I just want to go to bed." You tell him. "Please, babe. Just let me make it up to you." You gave in before you both changed into different clothes. You got into the car for a quiet ride before arriving at your favorite restaurant.

You and Harry both walked into the restaurant before you were caught off guard by people shouting "Surprise!" You were really taken by surprise. You weren't expecting a room filled with your friends, your family, and his family. But that's pretty much the element of a surprise party. "W-What's this?" You asked. "A surprise party. Happy Birthday, love?" Harry spoke. You didn't know what to really say but you were taken with a lot of emotion as tears filled your eyes. "Y/N?" He spoke before you left the room and headed back outside and you sat on the bench crying. Harry went back outside to find you. He saw your tear-stained cheeks. You met eyes with him as you quickly wiped your tears. "Y/N.." He spoke. "Please, go back inside, I'll be fine. I just need a minute." You told him. "What's wrong?" He asked. "I just thought when you wanted to talk tonight at dinner, that you were going to break up with me. I wasn't expecting all this." You spoke. Harry had a bit of a shocked look on his face. "Break up with you? Baby...first off, if I was going to break up with you I wouldn't do it on your birthday. I'm not heartless." He softly chuckled. "And second, I'm not breaking up with you." He softly caressed your cheek for a moment before wiping away your tears. "You're not?" You sniffled. "No, I'd be crazy to. Where'd you get the idea that I was?" He asked. "We haven't had time to just sit and talk or 'catch up' in weeks. I'm always asleep by the time you get home and you're always gone before I wake up. I know you're busy, I understand that but then I was worried that there was someone else because every time I've walked into a room and you're on the phone, you're secretive about it then you hang up and shrug me off when I ask who you were talking to. And you blow me off every time I try to-" You said choked up. "Oh, love. I'm sorry." He pulled you into a hug. "I know we haven't really talked or spent a lot of time together but I was trying to get an early finish on the album so I could spend the last couple weeks to put together this night for you. And I promise, Y/N, I didn't forget your birthday. I was only avoiding you to trying so hard to keep tonight a secret. Come with me." He took your hand and brought you back inside to the party.

You both walked back inside before he let of your hand and went out to the middle of the room. "Hi, everyone. Sorry about that. I know I invited you all here to celebrate Y/N's birthday, but I have a surprise for her. Would you come stand with me please, Angel?" He asked holding out his hand. You walk out to the center of the room taking his hand before he placed his arm around your waist. "Five years ago, I met this beautiful girl. She had caught my eye at the coffee shop, in the city. I saw her every Tuesday doodling in a note pad—well, doodling is a bit of an understatement because she was a natural talent when it came to drawing. Turned out she had been sketching out a picture of me. She said she was taking an art class at the University and she needed a portrait for a final and she thought I was her perfect subject. I still have the drawing kept in my desk drawer at home. But Y/N, she's the light of my life. My whole world and more, I couldn't even begin to imagine my life without her in it." He smiled before turning towards you. "Baby.." He took your hand. "I love you with my whole heart and.." He cleared his throat as he was beginning to choke up before he got down on his knee. You softly gasped becoming teary-eyed again. He pulled out a small box from the inside check pocket of his jacket. "I want you to marry me. Because there's nobody else I would rather want to share my life with." He opened the box revealing a ring that he and his mother, Anne had picked out special for you. Your bottom lip began to quiver as you cried into your hand. "Will you marry me?" He asked. You lifted your face from your hand looking into his eyes. "Yes.." You whispered. "Yes?" He asked. "Yes." You softly smiled. Everyone cheered as he placed the ring on your finger before he stood up wrapping his around your waist to kiss you as you wrapped your arms around his neck. "I love you. I love you so much." He whispered as he pressed his forehead against yours. You lightly giggled. "I love you too.." You whispered. "I have something I've been wanting to tell you to." You spoke. "What is it, darling?" He asked. "I'm pregnant.." You spoke. His jaw dropped, "What?" He asked. You opened up your purse to pull out the sonogram to show him. You heard everyone else's gasps as Harry's became breathless. He looked up at you with tears in his eyes smiling before he kissed you again.

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