Please, Come Home For Chrismtas

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Imagine Harry had been finishing up his tour just before the holidays which left you doing a lot of the gift shopping, picking out the Christmas tree, baking, present wrapping, and decorating the house but you were grateful to have help from Anne and Gemma as well as your 8 and 9 year old daughters, Lillie and Harriet. You were trying to not put so much stress on yourself or your body as you were just reaching your 7th month of pregnancy with your 4th little girl. You were decorating the tree while the girls were in school for their last day before their holiday break and your third daughter—your 14 month old, Ivy was down for her nap. Your little peanut to be was giving you a little trouble, kicking you as you were decorating the tree. You thought that'd be a good time to take a little break to make yourself a cup of cocoa and sip it as you relaxed in Harry's chair that sat by the tree. Yours and Harry's Christmas Playlist quietly played on your phone as you rubbed your belly trying to soothe your little baby. Unfortunately, Harry's voice was the only thing that would stop her from kicking. You and Harry knew immediately that she'd be another one of Daddy's little girls, he was absolutely ecstatic about being a girl dad. He loved it.

You sat in the chair humming to The Eagles, Please Come Home For Christmas. You didn't hear the front door open or close. Harry had arrived home shaking the snow off his boots before he removed them leaving them at the door. You were about to take another sip from your mug when you noticed you had run your cup to the bottom. You set the mug back down on the coffee table to use both hands to push yourself up out of the chair. You turned around being startled by Harry who stood there in front of you in the Living Room. "Oh my god!" You jumped slightly bringing your hand to your chest as your heart skipped a beat. "Hi darling.." He smiled, you smiled back at him before walking over to him. He brought his hands to your cheeks kissing you, you pulled away. "You're home.." You smiled. "Of course, I am." He kissed you again. You could hear the girls' bus honking from outside. "The girls are home." You say, you look out the window to see Lillie and Harriet running towards the house. "Go hide! I want to you to surprise them." You said pushing him into the other room.

"So what did you girls do today?" You asked. "We met Santa!" Lillie chimed, You gasped. "You did? Did you tell him what you wanted?" You asked. "Yea! I told him I wanted a puppy!" Lillie said, You giggled. "You're silly." You said tapping her nose, she giggled. You noticed Harriet was quiet. "Everything alright, Bunny?" You ask her, she looked away. "You miss your dad, don't you?" You asked, she sniffled. Harriet had the closest relationship with Harry of the girls—I mean she's his first born. They were always two peas in a pod, absolutely inseparable. She was truly his mini-me. She was always a Daddy's Girl. Lillie started off as a mumma's girl before she switched to being a daddy's girl.

You could see the tears in your sweet Harriet's eyes. "He's not coming home for Christmas, is he.." She asked, your heart broke at the sadness in her voice. "Oh, my love.." You said wiping the tear that fell onto her cheek. "Now, I wouldn't say that, Honey Bunny.." Harry's voice spoke from the corner of the room behind the girls. You smiled as Harriet's eyes grew wide. She turned to face him. "Daddy!" She squealed before running into his arms before Lillie followed behind. "Papa!" She chimed running into Harry's arms almost knocking him to the ground. "Oh my angels!" He smiled. Harriet doesn't let go of him , Harry pulls away getting a good look at them both. "My gosh! You girls are getting so big!" He smiled, they giggled before you could hear the sound of Ivy's small cries coming through the baby monitor. "Oh my third little Angel!" He beamed before him and the girls went upstairs to go get the baby.

Harry walks into Ivy's nursery to see her standing  in her crib as she holds the wooden rails. She sees Harry before she starts jumping up and down. "Hi poppet, daddy's here!" He picks her up from the crib as he hushes her.

It was so lovely to see how happy your daughters were that their dad was home. You watched from the kitchen window as Lillie and Harriet played making snow angels in the backyard while Harry put Ivy back to bed for the night. You felt Harry walk up behind you as he wrapped his hands around your waist, placing his hands on your belly. He rested his chin on your shoulder. "The girls are so happy to have you home and so am I." You told him, he kisses your cheek. "It feels good to be home.." He smiles before it began to snow.

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