See You Later

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Imagine you were a single parent to be to a little girl, you had named her Poppy—sometimes called her Pip for short. Actually, Harry was the one who picked out her name. You got pregnant by your ex partner who wanted nothing to do with the baby before you met Harry. Harry wanted to be there for you and your little girl, he stepped up not only as a partner but as a father-figure to Poppy. He was there for the last couple ultrasounds, the last birthing class, and held your hand during the delivery, she was an emergency c-section. He was the first to hold her. He was also there for every birthday party, her first steps, her first words, and took her to her first day of preschool. Poppy and Harry's relationship was touching. He instantly fell in love with her. They were each other's best friend, two peas in a pod. She had him wrapped around her finger since the moment she was born. She even started calling him daddy after learning her first words. You and Harry were happy together with a baby for 4 years.

4 years together, happy and raising a little girl together before your schedules were off and causing a lot of conflict between the two of you. You were constantly arguing a lot which was upsetting to Poppy. This last argument you had was while Poppy was in the living room playing with her toy trains Harry bought for her that Christmas. She had over heard your argument about how everyone had been talking how Harry wasn't your child's father and now you were second guessing it wondering if you had forced him into being a father. You had reasons to believe that he wasn't much longer so you thought it'd be best to end things giving him an out before he could come up with the idea himself to leave. "She is my kid too, Y/N. Biological or not. I made a decision 4 years ago and I haven't regretted that decision ever, not when I had people trying to talk me down from it and not when anyone asked how I felt about it." He said. "I didn't ask you to do that. All I'm saying is I don't feel comfortable about any of it, maybe it'd be best-" He cut you off. "Don't you dare finish that sentence, Y/N, if you're asking me to not be apart of her life. Don't! I made a decision to step up and be a parent—to be a father to that little girl when she needed one. Whether you asked me to or not!" He raised his voice. "Harry, I can't do this anymore! I'm tired and I can't do it. I'm done! I'm ending it here." You shouted. It was clear where it was going with the two of you. You didn't want to get hurt and you didn't want it to affect Poppy. "Fine! I'm gone then. I'll be back to pack up my stuff later!" He shouted before storming out of the house slamming the door. It startled Poppy before she set down her train to go into the kitchen to check on you as she heard yours soft cries.

"Mumma?" You quickly wiped away your tears as you turned your head away from her. "Uh yea. What is it baby?" You asked. "Where did daddy go?" She asked. "He's going to the store." You lied. "But he'll be back later, baby." You told her. To be honest, you didn't know if he would actually come back. "Are you okay, mumma?" She asked. "I'm okay, Poppy. Go back to playing with your toys." You shrugged her off. You didn't want her to see you upset but she knew something was wrong.

A couple hours had passed as Poppy was waiting for Harry to come home. Poppy was becoming antsy not knowing as to where her daddy was and why he hadn't come back yet. "Mummyyy! Where's daddy?! You said he'd be back later! It's much later!" She whined as she was beginning to worry her daddy wouldn't come back for her. That was until he came walking through the door with a few flattened boxes. "Daddy!" Poppy squealed before she ran and jumped into his arms. He caught her. "You came back!" She said excited. "I did, peanut." She noticed his red, puffy eyes. "Why are you crying? Is daddy sad?" She asked. Harry wanted to be the one to break the news to Poppy, you came out of the kitchen to hear it. "Baby, can I talk to you about something?" He asked. "Mhm." She nodded. He carried her back into the living room to sit on the couch as he sat her onto his lap. "You know mumma and I love you so much, right?" He asked. "You're leaving me, aren't you?" His heart broke that the four year old little girl knew so much being so little. "No. I'm never leaving you, baby." He brush her bangs out of her face. "But you and mumma keep fighting. I heard you say you are leaving." She said. "You heard our fight earlier?" He asked, she nodded. Harry sighed before he spoke, "Mumma and daddy just aren't going to live together anymore but that doesn't mean that I'm leaving you. I'll always be here for you. We're gonna see each other every day. I'll still take you to school and the park. And if you need me you can always have mumma call me." He told her. "But I don't want you to go. I don't wanna say goodbye." She began to tear up. "Oh pip.." He placed his hand on her cheek. "But this isn't goodbye. We don't have to say goodbye. We can say 'I'll see you later'. Because I'm not going away forever." He tried to hold back his tears. "Are you still going to come to my ballet recital tomorrow?" Poppy asked. "You know I'll be there, peanut. I wouldn't miss it for the world." He told her. "But daddy has to go, okay? I love you so much, Pip." He stood up as he set her back on the floor. "Daddy, don't go!" Poppy cried as she held onto his leg. "I have to.. Please don't cry, baby. Daddy hates seeing you cry." He got teary eyed as he pried her off his leg. He squatted back down to her level. "You gotta put on your brave face for me. Can you give daddy a smile?" He wiped away her tear as she gave him a small smile. "That's my girl.." He forced a smile as he softly pinched at her cheek. "I will see you later, okay. Now give me the biggest hug and a kiss that you can?" She squeezed him as tight as she could not wanting to let go before she gave him a kiss. "I love you, peanut." He said choked up. "I love you more, daddy." She said back. "Bye, Pip.." He spoke. "Goodbye, daddy.." Poppy forced her smile. Harry turned away from her, walking towards you as you stood there leaned up against the doorframe. "Goodbye, Y/N.." Harry kissed your cheek before he walked past you and out the door closing it behind him. You bit your lip as you attempted to hold back your tears. As soon as that door closed, your little girl burst into tears. Your heart broke as you were now a single mother. You walked over to comfort her as she cried. "I didn't want daddy to go!" She cried. "I know, baby, I'm so sorry." You held her close to you as you caressed her back.

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