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Imagine bringing yours and Harry's 10 year old daughter, Rosie, to one of Harry's show, he would occasionally check in with you guys to see if you were alright. It was getting a little hot when your daughter had gotten your attention that she wasn't feeling good she had stumbled over her feet, you caught her before you picked her up and walked over towards the end of the catwalk where security was. Harry had looked over and spotted you. "Hold on, hold on. Can we stop?" He takes out his ear piece. "What's going on, darling?" He asked. You told him that she was out, he quickly grabs the water bottle he had on stage.

"Rosie, darling.." She began to come to. "Peanut. Hi." He spoke. She became responsive again but panicked. "Hey, you're okay, baby. You're okay." He reassured her. "Could we get her some more water please?" He then asked the crowd if everyone was alright. "I'm going to wrap up the show but mumma will take you to get checked out."

After Harry finished his show Harry ran back to his dressing room to meet you and Rosie.

He opened the door to see you and Rosie on the couch as her head rested in your lap as she was drinking a juice box. "Hi, baby." He said. He walked over to the couch squatting down to her level. "How are you feeling?" He asked petting her hair. "Her blood sugar was a little low but we got her a juice box and we're gonna check her sugar again in 10 minutes but she should be okay." You told him. "Okay, good. I'm glad you're okay, rose bud." He said kissing her forehead.

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