He Forgot

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Imagine you and Harry had been together for 5 years, today was your birthday and you had woken up in bed alone. No note, no text, no voicemail. It was just you in the apartment. You'd assumed that Harry was just at the studio before he took you to a birthday dinner. You had a day off so you went to treat yourself to your free bday Starbucks drink and did some minimal window shopping before returning back home. You sat on the couch watching your favorite show in the living room waiting for a birthday text or something from Harry. You had received texts from your friends, a birthday paycheck from your boss, flowers that were sent from Anne and Gemma. But nothing from Harry, you were a little sad as you realized that he forgot. You were hoping that he had just been busy and was going to text you when he had time but he didn't.

You were trying your hardest not to be upset but you were. You sat on the couch snuggled under a blanket watching your show with tears in your eyes. He arrived home after a couple hours looking exhausted. You turned your head slightly as you quickly wiped away your tears before returning back to the television. "Hi, darling.." He spoke. "Mm.." You mumbled as your eyes stayed glued to the television. He walked over standing in to the left of the tv. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Nothing. I'm fine." You continued to watch the screen before he clicked the button turning off the tv. "I was watching that!" You snapped. "What's wrong?" He asked again. "I said it's nothing.." You rolled your eyes as you got up off the couch walking into the kitchen. "Obviously something is bothering you." He said.
"God Harry, I'm fine! Just leave it alone." You snapped. "Did I do something wrong?" He asked. "Just forget it, Harry! You forget everything anyway.." You muttered as you put the empty take out containers from the night before that were sitting on the countertop and threw them into the garbage. It took him a moment before he realized. "Shit..your birthday. I'm sorry, love. I've been so busy today." He spoke, you didn't want to hear whatever excuses he had. "You know, when I was working double shifts every day for 2 weeks I never forget your birthday." You said tearing up. "I know, baby. I'm so sorry. I just, I had this whole thing put together and.." He was searching through his pocket before he pulled out a small black box as he opened it. It revealed a beautiful ring—the ring you had your eye on in the window of an antique shop a couple months ago. You'd continuously walk past the window to see if it was still there. Today when you went on an errand because you thought you'd use that paycheck to buy the ring after saving up for it. But when you passed the window, it was gone. You asked the antique store's clerk about it and someone had purchased it that morning. You were disappointed. But now you knew, Harry was the one who had bought the ring. "Harry.." You breathed before you broke down. "Baby.." He spoke, you briefly composed yourself before you spoke, "This is the worst way you could've proposed." You lightly chuckled. "I know, it's shit. But I promise you, darling. You're worth remembering. I was running around all day trying to make sure this moment was perfect. I just didn't realize today was the day. I'm so sorry, baby. Can you forgive me and marry me?" He asked. "Propose to me again tomorrow.." You spoke. "What?" He asked. "You must've went through a lot of trouble for this so...ask me again tomorrow because I'm sure it'll definitely beat this one." You told him, he nodded. "Okay.." He spoke. He brought his hand to the side of your face as he caressed your cheek. You brought your hand up above his, "I'm so sorry, darling.." He apologized. "I know.." You replied.

A/N — should I make a part two?

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