Moonlight Sonata || Gong Myung

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🫧 Inspiration : Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven 🫧

{trying something different}

{the year of 1608 in a random kingdom}

|| Not Mistake Checked ||

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3rd person 🫶🏾

The sky was dark yet clear and quiet . The scraping sounds of her sword dragged against the ground as she walked leaving 2 trails of blood , one hers and one not . The sword covered in the blood of many men who had all failed at their order to take her life . One of them had almost gotten her though . Her hand pressed up against her side which burned with every step she took . She was covered in so much blood you could barely even tell if it was hers or her victims .

Her black attire torn and drenched with blood and dirt looked so different from how it normally did when she stood behind the king . The thought of him angered her now . At one point it made her heart skip a beat , almost melted her to her knees but now all she wanted to do was hang his head on the gate outside of her home . It was very forbidden for a mere kings guard to frolic with the king and everyone knew that , especially when she'd become the first woman to stand behind the king in such a way . Neither of them cared though .

Her and her brother taking the place of her father & uncle before them , when gong myungs coronation came they protected the king & the kingdom as best as they could , except this time she was the one reigning hell on them all . Tears welled up in her eyes as she choked and spit blood beside her . The castle's gates came into view making the pain go away in an instant . Adrenaline rushed through her body crazily making her numb to anything else . Who would've thought this day would come .

2 guards stood in front of the gates immediately drawing their swords when she approached . In a quick blink of an eye her sword slashed the both of them and she watched breathing heavily as their bodies fell to the ground , wincing a bit at the pain that shot through her wound . She pushed the gates open & walked inside , dragging her feet and sword across the cement . She thought about her times spent with gong myung , lying in his bed talking everytime after they'd made love . Dealing with him marrying another woman was fine , being the kings guard she always knew he wouldn't marry her . When he announced that he was marrying the princess from the kingdom over her feelings were hurt but she just dealt with it and did her job .

Ignoring him was hard of course since she was his protector but she'd just learned to remove herself when the conversation got personal . The thing that she couldn't deal with was him murdering her brother . Even the thought of it brought tears to her eyes . The soon to be queen made a claim that he was peeping on her in the bath but he wasn't , the truth was she was trying to seduce him & when he didn't let her saying it was wrong and that he'd inform the king she lied and told everyone that he'd been watching her undress and bathe . Y/n knew her brother wasn't the type & she thought gong myung did as well . Her heart felt as if it was ripped from her chest when he slashed her brothers chest with his battle sword in front of her . Her screams and sobs loud enough to be heard in the kingdom over as she dropped to her knees in front of him .

He ordered men to send her home & later that night to kill her . She wasn't stupid but neither was he , gong myung knew she'd be coming back for revenge . Bursting through the wooden doors she was greeted with guards and soldiers as if they'd been waiting for her . Horrid sounds of battle screams and swords clashing , flesh slashing was all that could be heard throughout the castles walls . Gong myung waited anxiously for her and in his chair , she was his best guard so he knew a few mangy soldiers didn't stand a chance against her . The door was eventually pushed open and 30 soldiers rushed her way , gong myungs chest hurt seeing her bleeding and in pain but what could he do about it , she'd now committed treason against the king & by law she had to be punished .

She'd started to weaken giving the soldiers an easy pass to grab her and make her kneel at the kings feet . "Missed me?" she asked looking up at gong myung who had so many thoughts going on in his head it started to become visible in his facial expression . Her curly hair which was usually tied back into a low ponytail stuck to her face and neck from the amount of blood in her hair and on her body . She coughed and spit next to her & he wanted nothing more than to sweep her up and order the nurse to tend to her wounds but again , he couldn't .

"Why y/n?" he asked and she dryly chuckled . "I should be asking y-you that" she breathed out and he knew what she meant . "You knew messiah wasn't like that , yet you still murdered him because that bitch said so" she spat at the pale skinned woman who sat next to him . Gong myung said nothing , instead he stared into her eyes seeing the crazed expression in them . He would swear he saw fire burning in her pupils . The y/n he knew wasn't there anymore & both he and she were sure of it . He stood up from his seat walking to the end of the stairs only 5 feet away from where she was .

"You've violated your order , code & kingdom as a kings guard . Murdering 200+ of our own men out of my orders or requests , entered the castle with blood on your sword , committing treason on me & our kingdom . You are to feel the same pain as everyone you've taken the life from and be burned after your death" gong myung said with tears in his eyes as the girl in front of him just smiled and breathed heavily . "I'll see you again gong myung" she coughed and choked . "see you in hell" she spat at him & began to cough again .

Gong myung lifted his hand , almost not having the strength to put it down . He knew that when he did it was over , she'd be dead & that isn't what he wanted . He loved her far more than the woman he'd soon be married to . He closed his eyes and dropped his hand wincing at the sound of her flesh slicing . A single tear dropped from his eyes but he spoke no words . "See you in hell" he thought remembering it in the exact tone she'd said it in . She was right , they would see each other again , except next time he'd wish it was in hell .

y'all i've had this idea for a while , i never really experiment with times or decades & all that , most of all the songs ive used have lyrics but this one is just about the vibe of the song , the melody i guess

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y'all i've had this idea for a while , i never really experiment with times or decades & all that , most of all the songs ive used have lyrics but this one is just about the vibe of the song , the melody i guess . i hope you all enjoy <3

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