Can I Be Him || Jitaraphol Potiwihok (Jimmy)

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🫧 Inspiration : Can i be him by james arthur 🫧

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───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───

"𝗖𝗮𝗻 𝗜 𝗯𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗼𝗻𝗲

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"𝗖𝗮𝗻 𝗜 𝗯𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗼𝗻𝗲 .. 𝗖𝗮𝗻 𝗜 𝗯𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗼𝗻𝗲 ? "

───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───

3rd Person 🫶🏾

It's an unspoken rule to not fall in love with your best friend .. or maybe that's just what jimmy thought . Rule number one in his friendship book is to never fall for a friend because it could mess up the relationship if they don't feel the same . He tried to follow that rule but you made it so damn hard . He tried to look at you as just a friend but as the years went on it became more and more impossible .

When you walked in the room his attention would immediately go to you . When you talked he listened with his entire body . Everything about you was fascinating to him . The tone of your voice , the way you dressed .. your interests were his interests . You could make him smile and laugh until his cheeks ached and his stomach hurt & all of these things made it clear to him that him just being your friend wasn't working out .

He planned to tell you today about his feelings as it was the last day of class before summer started he felt like it was the perfect time but when one of the girls from your faculty told him that you were leaving to go back home today he felt so many things in that moment and the strongest one was fear . He felt like he was gonna lose you , he couldn't lose you .. not now , not ever .

He dropped his bag and everything else he was holding besides his phone not caring about anything except getting to you . Why didn't you tell him ? He's been the closest person to you since you moved to thailand your freshman year of highschool & you usually tell him everything , so why didn't you tell him you were leaving? why were you leaving? He had so many questions floating around his mind as he ran like crazy to your house .

He tried calling but you weren't answering and he was starting to get upset , he felt like everything was crashing down on him at this moment and he didn't know what to do or how to deal with it . When he reached your house he ran inside only to find everything empty and you not there . He let out a yell of frustration and ran back out , attempting to call your phone again and again , no answer .

Tears started to form in his eyes as he ran , he couldn't really see anymore but his feet never stopped . He kept running and running until he made it to the airport , he prayed in his head that you'd be there still and as he jogged all over the place with no sign of you he began to lose hope . But right at that moment he saw you . Your back turned to him as you walked the opposite way , dragging your suitcase with you . He ran again "Y/N?!" he yelled catching the attention of you and a few other people around .

When you turned around you seemed like you were crying & surprised to see him . He fell to the ground breathing heavily , his heart beating so hard he felt like it was about to burst out of his chest . He was out of breath but he had so much to say to you , so much to ask you . "Jimmy?" you ran over to him after seeing him collapse on the ground . "Jimmy what's wrong?!" you asked grabbing him in your arms scared he'd pass out from how out of breath he was . "Thank god you were still here" he said with a faint smile as his hand gripped onto your shirt .


"Are you out of your mind?! why did you run all over town like a maniac" you scolded him handing him a water bottle to drink as he sat still trying to catch his breath a bit . He took a sip and looked at you . "Why didn't you tell me you were leaving? Why are you leaving?" he asked handing you the water back . You couldn't answer , to be honest he was the reason you were leaving .

You were in love with jimmy but you knew you were only a friend to him . When his friends would tease him about how the two of you were always together and ask were you dating each other he'd shut them down saying "We're just friends , only friends" in your eyes he really only thought of you as a friend , a close one .. but still a friend .

Loving someone who doesn't love you back is tiring , it hurts and eventually it becomes too much . You had finally came to the decision that jimmy wasn't gonna love you back the way you loved him and you knew the longer you were around him the more it would hurt and the harder it would be to get over him . So you were gonna go back home and spend your last few years of college there . No jimmy , no unrequited love & no pain .

"Y/n i asked you a question" he said snapping you from your thoughts . You looked up and he was looking at you , his eyes locked on yours . "I- i don't know-" "Bullshit you don't , you were just gonna leave me here with nothing? no explanation , no goodbye , no nothing . Did you even take a second to think about how i'd fe-" you cut him off , all of your emotions rushing out at this second .

"GOD- IM IN LOVE WITH YOU JIMMY" you yelled and his face softened . "I'm in love with you .. i have been for years , and i know you don't feel the same way so i couldn't bring myself to say anything .. you're my friend jimmy , my best friend at that .. i didn't wanna mess up our friendship by confessing to you so i kept it all in and i'm leaving because i can't take it anymore . It hurts" you finished , his eyes still locked on your own . You felt warm tears stream down your face as you just stared at him , him doing the same .

You looked away attempting to wipe the tears away but they just kept coming . His hands came up to your face , when n both sides and lifted your head to look up at him . He used both of his thumbs to wipe away your tears while spilling his own . His hands were warm . His touch felt so soothing against your skin , it all felt perfect .

"God we are so stupid" he said letting out a laugh and you wiped his face looking at him confusedly . "We have been in love with each other this entire time and neither of us knew" he said and your eyes widened . You had to be hearing him wrong . "You-" you stopped your sentence and he nodded with a big smile on his face , tears still falling . "I'm in love with you too y/n" he said rubbing his thumbs on your cheeks .

Jimmy leaned in and placed his lips on yours in a quick peck , pressing his forehead against yours . He took a deep breath and kissed you again , this time deeper . This kiss seemed to tell you everything he'd ever wanted to say to you but couldn't . It was like there was fireworks going off inside your body .

When the two of you pulled apart , you rested your forehead on his and closed your eyes . You felt relieved , happy & a thousand other good things and it was all because of him . He finally became Him .


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*sighs* .. anyways , live , laugh , love jimmy 🙏🏾

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