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Ashley's POV:

I get out of bed trying not to wake Ashlyn and make my way through my room door. I walk through the halls til I find my parents room. Anastasia Henderson and Luke Henderson. I let out a breathe before putting my hand on the door nob. I turn it and it opens.

Dad's gonna be so mad at me.

I slowly walk inside and see how Dad hugs Mom while they are sleeping. How d they do that?

Ugh I think I'm gonna puke.

I make my way in there bed and go between them shimming so they break apart. It's time for me to get in the way like always.

My blonde hair gets in my face and I couldn't see for a second. I tuck it behind my ear and I could now see.

My mom stirs but don't wake up. Why does she sleeps so damn heavy?

Dad's eyes open and they land on me. He sits up and rubs his eyes. "Ash what are you doing in here?" He asks

"I'm hungry" I say with a pout.

He sighs.

I'm not a fan of cooking. I literally despise cooking. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it so damn much it makes me want to puke. So I make either my parents or my sister do it for me.

"Go wake your siblings I'll come make breakfast" he says

I know he wasn't gonna make it but I still knew I was gonna get something.

With a smile plastered on my face I jump off his bed and run out the room. Yes!

As I run down the hall I knock on everyone's door until I reach my room that had Ashlyn sleeping.

"Ashlyn get the hell up!" I shout.

She groans and pulls the sheet over her head.

"Get up!" I shout once again.

"Can you be any less fucking annoying" she groans.

"Dads making breakfast"

She takes the sheets off her head. "Ugh why do I have to be siblings with you. I can't believe we even shared the same womb" she says before getting out of bed.

"I can't believe I have to look like you!" I shout as she walks to the bathroom.

"You should be glad you look like me!" She shouts

I love annoying her. It's like the highlight of my day. 15 years of annoying her. Never gets old.

She goes in our bathroom and lock the door behind her. "Hurry up cause I haven't brushed my teeth yet!" I shout getting a respond from her. "No wonder your mouth is so damn stink!" She shouts back.

I chuckle as I sit on my bed and stare out of space till she opens the door.

"Finally" I get off my bed and go into the bathroom.

Ashlyn's POV:

"Caitlin" I say walking into my little sisters room.

"Lynny" she squeals running to me with her phone in her hand.

I'm Lynny and Ashley's Ash. There's obviously a difference.

She hugs me then pulls away. Caitlin and I have a really good relationship. I take her hand in mine and we start walking.

"Dad's making breakfast. Though I don't believe that" she says

"I know" I say smiling down at her.

We reach the stairs when Christian appears. "Hey big sis" He says with a smile which I return before speaking. "Dad's so called cooking" I say making him laugh

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