Pool Day: Chapter 16

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"Yeah and remember to bring swimming shorts" I say and he smirks and raises an eyebrow. "Are we going swimming Darling?" He asks and I smile.

It's the first I've smiled in a long time and it felt amazing. "Yes. We are going swimming" I smile while nodding. It was hot out today and it would be a waste of a day to not go outside. God, I sound like Mom.

"Oh yeah?" he questions and there was a long pause of us just staring in each others eyes before he clears his throat. "I'll be there" he says then sticks his head back in the house.

I turn around with a smile on my face and walk over to my mirror. God, I looked awful. Did he really just have a conversation with me and not tell me how awful I looked? What a Dick.

I went in my drawer and picked out a bathing suit. One of my favorites. Before heading over to my bed so I can make it.

I put on some sunscreen then make my way out the back door with Zola following behind me

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I put on some sunscreen then make my way out the back door with Zola following behind me. I already started up the Jacuzzi, so the only thing left is to get in it and relax.

I got on one of those chairs that was in the pool and sat on it. I laid in the sun and closed my eyes. After a little while I felt a shadow over me causing me to open my eyes only to see Adamo staring down at me.

"Are you just gonna lay there and sunbathe all day?" He asks "I thought we were going swimming"

I sat up. "Yeah. I am going to lay here and sunbathe. Why waste the sun, right?" I say with a cheeky smile.

He chuckles lightly then moves one hand to the back of his shirt and he slowly pulls the shirt over his head. God that was sexy . He throws the shirt on the chair beside me then goes into the water.

"I would recommend you close your mouth or a fly might think it's their new home" He says and I close my mouth with a smile. He licks his lips before swimming over to me. He was basically between my legs.

"Are you okay?" He asks. His voice came out soft, smoothing and gentle as if he was talking to a child. "Okay as in overall or what I found out?" I ask and he smirks with a chuckle. "You know what I mean Ashlyn, just stop acting dumb"

"I'm okay" I smile. He sighs before perking up again. "You know how to swim right?" He asks and I give him a confused look. "Yeah, why?"

Before I could register what he was doing he grabbed onto my legs and pulled me into the pool. I scream left my lips before it was muffled by the water. I sank to the bottom before I resurfaced. I smooth my hair to the back and wipe the water from my face.

I glared at a laughing Adamo but my glare didn't last long as I listened to his laugh. A nice laugh, not a forced one but an actual laugh. He swam over to me. "I'm s-sorry" He laughed and I couldn't help the smile that erupted on my lips.

He splashed water on me and so did I. After a while it basically became a whole war. Zola was barking at us on the pavement. I don't know if she's happy about the situation or she's just mad that I'm losing.

"Okay, Okay, I give up!" I scream as I try to cover my face. He laughs some more before stopping. He takes me into his arms and my hands find my way around his neck. His hands lay on my waist as he rubs his thumbs on it.

"I love seeing you happy" he smiles. "We're not together" I say and he smiles. "Yet your arms around my neck" He smiles and I lean up capturing his lips in mine. His soft lips move against mine slowly-savoring every moment.

The kiss was slow but had many meanings to it. He pulled away from the kiss. "I'm not done yet" I say before pulling him in again.


"You know if you asked me anything about you I would be able to answer every question" Adamo says. We have been sitting on the pool chairs for a while now just enjoying each other's company. Let's just say a lot of kissing went down.

I turn to him. "Oh really?" I ask with a smile and he nods his head. "Okay then" I put my finger to my chin. He could never know me that much to answer this. "What was my first Cats name?" I ask and he chuckles.

"Her name was Lena, that was too easy don't you think" he says and I look at him in surprise. "Okay. You think you know me that well. Let me see you answer this question" Shit I don't even have a question. Oh wait I found one.

"What is my favourite song?" I ask. "Oh this one is kinda hard, you change your favourite sonhgs every month. But there is one specific one you genuinely love, because of your mom" He sounds like he has been living my life.

"Your most favourite one is 'Or Nah'" He says and smirks. "H-How do y-you know me so well?" I ask. "Because I know you, Darling"

I roll my eyes and sigh. "Frustrated that I know you Darling?" He laughs and I scoff.


Adamo's POV:

I walk up to the door and knock. I don't hear anything so I chose to knock again. Still no answer. We had gone to bed late last-night so maybe she's still sleeping. But she doesn't sleep in.

I try opening the door by the knob but it won't budge. I groan before I walk around the side of her house to go around the back. I didn't bring my phone so I can't even call her. I reach the back door and try to slide open the door and thankfully it opens.

I go in and immediately Zola comes running towards me. "Hey girl" I pet her. "Ashlyn!" I shout. I start walking through the house until I reach the steps and two steps a time. "Ashlyn!" I shout once again.

Zola follows me as she barks. I reach her room and open it. She's not in her room. Dude maybe she went out. Stop overreacting. Jeez I wish I could believe right now, but I can't. It feels like she's in some kind of danger or some sort.

I see Zola barking at her bathroom door. It was locked. I rush over to it and try the door knob but it won't budge. "Fuck Ashlyn!" I rome her room to see if I can find a gun then remember her dresser. She always has a gun hidden under her dresser.

I bend down and put my hand under her dresser feeling for it. A click and it fell in my hand. "Yes" I stand up and pull the trigger and waste no time in shooting off the door knob. I opened the door.

I was not ready for what laid behind the door. It seemed as if all the sound around me had silenced. The gun from my hand fell and echoed into the bathroom.

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