Christmas with Ivanov (Part 1): Chapter 6

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The barkig of my lovely dog Zola wakes me up from my sleep. I love her and all but I do need to get my beauty sleep. She starts jumping on my bed while spinning as if chasing her tail.

"Zola sit" I say in a weak voice as I have not even opened my eyes yet. She keeps on barking-ignoring me and at this point I've had enough.

I sit up from my bed and open my eyes to see her facing Adamo. I mentally roll my eyes as my eyes already hurt from the sunlight.

Rubbing my eyes with the back of my hand my vision becomes more clear. Standing in-front of my bed was a shirtless Adamo. Looking as sexy as ever in a Plaid Christmas pajama pants laying low at his waist showing off his v line.

Did I just call him sexy?

Shit it's Christmas.  "So are you just gonna sit there staring at me the whole time" He says taking me out of my daze.

I roll my eyes at him and stand from my bed letting the sheet drop from my body. I was in a red set lingerie. I knew my nipples were showing through the bra but I could care less right now. I heard a low groan from him and I smirk.

"What, never seen a woman's body before?" I say. "Or maybe just not one as sexy as mine is?" I finish as I smirk

I ignore him and head to my closet looking for something to put on. I smile as I see a pants like his. Checkered in black and red.

I pull it from the closet and show it to him

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I pull it from the closet and show it to him. "Oh my gosh! We can match" I say with a fake smile as I make way to put it on. He turns away from me.

"Ashlyn" I hear him mumble my name. "Mhhhm"

"For God's sake just hurry up and put on some clothes" He says and I put on my black crop top and turn to him. "I suggest that you tell me why you came in my room at such an hour" I say as I turn away from him and into the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair.

"I just wanted to tell you about some of the locations I think my father would be" He says and I hum as I start to brush my molars.

I rinse my mouth with mouth wash and spit it out then wash it out again with water. I took up my brush and started brushing through my hair. "Was that all?" I ask

I see a shadow at the door by the corner of my eye and I knew it was obviously him. "I wanted to carry you somewhere..." He does a long pause before speaking again. "Since it's Christmas?" He says coming  out like a question.

I place my brush back in the cupboard and turn to him. "Adam, we are enemies, we aren't friends" I say then walk pass him. "Plus I have to be at my parents now" I say as I start to make my bed.

"I know we aren't friends Ash but we need to get to know each other so we can trust one another. We are going to be all over the world together and we need to trust each other during those missions or they're not gonna go as planned" He say and I roll my eyes.

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