Knocks on doors :Chapter 4

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It's 7 in the fucking morning and they are blowing up my fucking phone. I haven't looked at my phone but it doesn't take a genius to know they are asking about Adamo.

I don't know anything about him. Far as I knew yesterday is that he didn't even exist.

I pick up my phone and put it on silent. I get up from my bed with a loud sigh as I rub my eyes. Fuck I left the window open last night.

I quickly get off my bed and over to the window. Window guy's curtains were still down so I guess.... he didn't watch me sleep.

My door bell rings causing me to jump a little and my hand goes to my chest. "Who the hell comes at someone's door at 7 in the morning" I whisper to my self.

I soon hear Zola barking loudly echoing throughout the house.

I walk over to my makeup table, open the drawer and take out my handgun. I walk over to my room door and open it. I make my way down the flight of stairs. The bell rings again causing me to sigh once more.

Zola sits at the door waiting for me to open it. I approach the door slowly as my gun stays low. I unlock the locks and hold up my gun before pulling the door open. Imediatley Zola jumps out at him.

"Ahh fuck" He exclaims. Zola stops jumping up on him and is now leaning into his pets.

The fuck?

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I say ignoring the fact that Zola is making a stranger touch her.

"Like I said I want to make a deal with you Darling" He says and I roll my eyes

"I will shoot you in your fucking head if you don't tell me how the hell you found out where I live"

"I did my research" He smirks.

"Talk" I say not lowering my gun

He inhales and swallows causing his adam's apple to go down and up. My eyes close for a split second before he starts speaking.

"My Father- Alexander went missing around 4 years ago and my sister,brother,mother and I have been looking for him ever since but we seemed to have failed. My sister got the idea of coming to ask you to help us find him since you want to kill him just as much as we do. Trust me if I didn't need your help I would not be here right now" He finishes

I lower my gun and put it on safe. "And why the hell would I help you? Your my enemy" I question

"Because you want to kill him just as much as I want to"

"And why do you want to kill him again?" I ask cocking my head to the right arching my eye brow.

"First, he's a lying piece if shit, he killed my girlfriend,he's been abusing my little sister since she was thirteen and more. Don't you think that's a man who needs to be six feet under?"

That's your problem.

"Zola come" I say and she comes on the I side before I snap the door shut in his face.

Wait how the hell did he get here?

He didn't drive, I know that for sure cause I didn't see any car outside my house.

There was a knock on my door and I roll my eyes as I turn to open back the door.

"Adamo I'm-

I stop mid sentence as I see my father standing at my door and not Adamo.

I smile awkwardly. "Hi Dad"

He glares at me as if he wanted to punch me. Well it's not my fault you came this late, you could have seen him for yourself.

He pushes my door open letting himself in. "Yes, you may come in" I say as I close the door.

I place my gun on the key table and my Dad turns to me. "Where is he?" He asks

"Where's he?" I ask

"Ivanov, where the hell is he?" He asks

He looks tired. They're bags under his eyes and he has frizzy hair with some of it down in his face. His clothes are all shaggy and it seems he is still on the clothes he was in last night.

"Dad sit down and take a break-

"Ashlyn I don't need a break. I just need to know where Ivanov is and you talking to him without telling me as was not expectable Ashlyn" he says as his hand run through his hair multiple times.

"Dad I don't know where he is" I say truthfully.

He look down at me. "How can you say you don't know where he is and you answered the door calling his name"

"D-Dad I ummm"

Why do I find it so hard to talk now?

"Dad just leave. Please. I don't know anything. Okay?" I say

"Ashlyn I am gonna leave but please tell me anything you find on him. He has caused enough pain in our family already" he says which pains my heart remembering sitting at the hospital waiting for news about Caity.

He opens my door and leaves with a pained face. He leaves and close the door behind him.

Im truly sorry Dad.

"Can you tell me how the hell you got in my house?" I ask as I turn to face him

"I'm full of a lot supieses Darling" he smirks and I roll my eyes at him.

"Fuck you"

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