Reminiscing: Chapter 15

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New Years Eve and I'm in my bed watching a kids movie. Miraculous. They really need to just fucking date already. Jeez. Whatever I'm three seasons in and I haven't left my bed unless it's to pee, eat or feed Zola.

After the trip from Minnesota and the argument with Adamo I decided to lock off myself from everyone to really think about what Adamo had said to me. But instead of thinking I brought it up on myself to watch fucking Miraculous.

Adamo had wanted to talk but I didn't think what he said would affect me like this. I really didn't. Before I can tell you what he said let's pause this Idiotic movie one second. Okay.


"You came here to talk, so let's talk" I say as I walk over to the little couch in my room. He leans on my makeup table and fold his arms before sighing. "What I meant about you not remembering me" he paused as if trying to look for the right words.

"What I mean- mean was. Oh fuck" he holds the bridge of his nose and hold his head down. "Would you just hurry the fuck up, I have more important things to do" i say even though I know I have absolutely nothing to do.

"We knew each other as kids. We met in a park when you were 10 and I was 13. The reason why you don't remember me was because your parents erased me from your memory" He says as his face scrunch like a scrunchie.

The words leave his mouth one by one and I don't believe a thing coming out of it. Why would I believe anything leaving his lips? My parents would never do that. Would they?

"We would see each other at the park everyday and then when they found out who I was they stopped taking you to the park so then I no longer saw you" He continues. I might be sitting here listening to the lies leaving his lips but I really just want him to leave already.

"Turns out our parents had the same idea as my father had then did the same thing to me. When we attacked your house two years after you obviously didn't recognised me. You took up a spare gun and held it at me" He says.

Like I said before I could never forget that day. I did point a gun at someone but they seamed the least frightened. The person was looking at me as if I just saved his life and not about to end it. It confused me at the time but I brushed it off.

"Does that drag a memory?" he asks raising an eyebrow. I stare bluntly at him and he leans off of the table and walks towards me. when he reached me he stoops and takes my chin in his hand.  "Please tell me you remember Darling"

I swat his hand away from my chin and turn my face away from him. "I don't remember anything Adamo" I say and he scoffs. I slight tear ran down my cheek and he swiftly wiped it away. "For fucks sake Ashlyn just stop being so fucking stubborn"

I turn my face to him. "I'm not being stubborn Adamo I just don't fucking remember so get the fuck out of my room!" I shout at him. I can't deal with this anymore. Why would my parents do such things.

"You know why your father took me aside to talk alone? It's because he threatened me. Threatened me not to tell you about when we were younger" He says and I look at him in disbelief. "We fell in love and you don't even remember" He chuckles to himself.

He was in a black T-shirt which showed all his muscles and plain jeans. His fluffy hair down in his face and his insanely blue eye burning through my body.

Remembering it all only made it feel like yesterday. After that day I thought about him before going to sleep at nights but I had forgot about him in time. But now it's just all flowing back in. And it's over welming.

Why would my parents erase my memories of him? I get he was your enemies son but they had no right to that. Why? Just why Dad? this was all him. I could tell. Mom probably might've tried to stop him but he did it any way.

Before I could stop myself the tears were already flowing. He engulfed me into his arms and I laid my head in the crook of his neck taking in his intoxicating scent. "It's okay baby, let it all out" He hushes me and I cry in his arms more.

I've never been this vulnerable around anyone before. Not even my parents. He just unlocks something in me. Something I don't know what. What is with this man?

~Flashback Ends~

I didn't speak to my parents as frequent as I usually would after Adamo told me what he told me and I could tell they knew something was off but they didn't say anything. Lia also noticed I haven't been talking and had asked me about it but I obviously didn't tell her about it.

I didn't want anyone's pity.

It really hurts to know your parents have been lying to your whole life. But what really hurts is not hearing it from them. Them telling you their mistake and someone else telling you.

Most of all I can't believe Mom would make such a thing happen to me. She knows what it's like to be lied to their whole life and then she go ahead and let it happened to me? Why mom? Why?

"My names Ashlyn, What's yours?" I ask him and he smiles at me. "I'm Adamo" he says. "Can I call you Adam?" I ask and his smile widens. "Yeah"  "Great let's go on the swings then" I say with a smile then run off towards the swings with him following behind me.

I've been getting flashbacks to when we were kids ever since Adamo told me about it and I can't stop thinking about him. He had respected my wishes about leaving me alone but all I want is to see him now.

Oh fuck it. I stand from my bed and walk over to the window. I open it and stick my head through it.


Sorry for not updating throughout the week but I think it's best I now update on weekends. As much as I want to become an Author I do need good grades to be one so I will be focusing on my studies. If I get time to update during the week I will but if not i guess not but that's all and I hope you enjoyed the chapter.


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