Brutal loss: Chapter 21

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2 days later

The ringing of my phone takes me out of thoughts causing a groan to leave my lips. I stretch over the bed for my phone and it's an unknown number. What the fuck? Wait, maybe it's Ashlyn. I quickly answer the phone placing it to my ear. 

"Adamo, you need to get here now" I lift my body off the bed now alert causing Krov' and Zola to sit up looking at me. "Matt?" I stand from my bed and walk over to my bedroom door putting on my shoes. Maybe they found something on Ashlyn. 

Where she is? Who kidnapped her? What the person that kidnapped her wanted? Cause they obviously want something from her or they would be just wasting their time. I stumbled a little putting on my shoe but eventually got them on. "Yeah it's me, you need to get here. And fast" Before I could respond he had already hung up. 

I took the phone from my ear. "Krov', Zola, Come!" I ordered and they followed me through my bedroom door as I took up my car keys. 

At The Warehouse

I hurriedly walked into the Warehouse with both Dogs following behind me and getting weird looks from all the agents there but I never stopped to spare them a glance. Mr. Henderson came into view as he was standing at Ashlyn's office door. "What's wrong, why'd you call me here?" I ask as I became closer to him.

"She asked for you. I don't know why but whatever" He opens the door and I walked in and immediately I stopped in my tracks as I saw her.  There she was. Sitting at the head of the table with her back turned to me. They must have given her clean clothes as she was in one of her long sleeved blouse and a baggy shorts. 

Her hair was frizzed up and was over her left shoulder. There was a tattoo of  a butterfly on her neck but was covered with freshly slashes of knife scars. My fingers curled into a fist by my side. The longer I looked the tighter my fist became. 

"Are you just gonna stand there and look at my back for the rest of the day?" She could be dying and her sassy attitude would still be there.  I loosen my fist and walk around the table slowly as I'm afraid of what I might see. Gosh. How the fuck could I make this happen to her. 

She was wiping at her lip that had been bruised. "Fuck, Ashlyn" I knelt in front of her and held both hands in mine. Her precious lips were bruised and her left eye, swollen with black and purple. Whoever the fuck did this to her i'm gonna murder them. "Who the fuck did this to you, Ashlyn? Tell me, tell me right now so I can go kill them with my bare hands" 

She chuckled. "I'm sorry Adam but I beat you to it" She smiles. Gosh I missed her smile. I missed her. What the fuck are you doing?  "What? What do you mean?" I ask cocking my head to the side. "I might have decapitated him" She says bluntly but I could hear the humor in her voice. She enjoyed doing that type of stuff. 

I laughed. Of course she did. She can take care of herself. "Adamo" Her voice was serious and I think I know whats going to happen. I think  I know hat she's going to say. "This...........thing between us, can't happen" She says and I sigh. Like I said I knew what she was gonna say. "You stole files from my dad and thought you could get away with it? And then you would come back and act like it was alright and act in love with me? That-That's not right" 

"I remembered when you said you loved me but every day that passed it dawns on me that you don;t. You don't live me. You never did. You just said that to manipulate me. Didn't you? That's the only explanation right now" She finishes as a tear slip from her eye. "And I hate that I'm crying over you" She slightly chuckles. 

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