My Darling: Chapter 34

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"I'm just going outside for some fresh air" I say as I close the door behind me. I sigh and walked down my stairs then across the road and through his gate. Thank God there wasn't an alarm. Plus I doubt he would still live here after all this time. 

I go up to his door and took my pin and picked the door. I heard a click and the door opened. I guess I still got it. I went inside and closed the door behind me. I turned on the lights and this place is beautiful. 

I just realised that I've never been to his house before but it's beautiful. There's nothing here that says someone lived here but I kept on looking, just to see if I could find anything. Then it came on to his room. 

I opened the door and turned on the light. Well from his room, you can clearly tell that someone was in here. His room was a mess. Was it dad that did this? Or was it somebody else? I walk more into his room and see a canvas turned to me. 

I walk around it and looked at it. It was a sketch. Of me. It looks like I was laughing. It was just my face there but you can see that he wasn't finished. I didn't know he could draw. I look over to his closet. 

I open it and his scent hit me right in the face. I'vs missed that smell. Being back here just reminds me how much I've missed him. I walk out of his room and make my way to his garage. I don't know why but I just want to see his house. Somewhere he has been. 

I open the door that leads to the garage and the lights immediately turn on. There wasn't a car parked there but several canvases stacked up on each other. My curiousity takes over and my feet takes me over to the canvases. 

One by one I look at all of them. They're all of me. And with each canvas comes with a note. Like he knows I was going to see them. Like this one of me sleeping. 'My darling, oh I love watching you sleep but I do hope one day you sleep with me' -Your love. 

These are all so detailed. There was even one of them that had me naked only that my back was turned so there was nothing really showing. He got all my tattoos and everything as if he was actually see what I was doing in that moment. 

Was he watching me? Just then my phone starts ringing. "Fuck, I totally forget about Kevin" I drop the canvas I had in my hand and answer my phone. "Yeah?" 

"Where the hell are you Ashlyn? You said you were going out for fresh air not go back to freaking London" I roll my eyes, "Stop exaggerating Dick head, I've only been gone at least 10 minutes" I say as I close the front door behind me. "No, you've been gone for half an hour now" 

I look at the time on my phone and notice that he's right. How have I been here for so long? "It's okay Kevin I'm coming now" Just then I make eye contact with him at my door step. I hang up the phone and put it in my back pocket. 

"What are you doing next door?" He asks. "Don't worry about it just looking at some stuff" He goes inside with a huff and I follow behind him. "Why are you so angry?" I ask. Just then Luxury comes running to me. "Mama" She hugs my legs. "Hey baby" 

I pick her up. "Are you ready to go see gramps and granny?" I smile and she smiles. "Yeah"  

"Okay is your brother awake?" I ask and she nods. "He's peeing" she says. "Okay" I chuckle

After Leon was done peeing We got our pizza and then left for Dad and Mom's house. I open the front door and Leon and luxury takes that as there cue to run inside.

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