Losing you :Chapter 29

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"Ace, it's been almost an hour. She's gonna die." My sister pleads. I can hear the hurt in her voice. "Ezra-" A voice from below us echo throughout the room causing us to look down. 

"What if we're late, what if when we find her she's already dead. Gosh Dad I can't think of her being dead" That sounds like one of her sisters I just can't tell which one. "Ashley, your sister is not dead. We are going to find her and we are going to live happily without the Ivanovs" 

I look up at Ezra. 


I'm on the verge of passing out again when I hear Adamo's voice. It would be great to fucking hear what he is saying but my eardrums are ringing from when the dick head hit me with the wrench. 

I'm getting weaker by the second. The peanuts are in my system and I can feel my throat closing up already. I look up and see Adamo fighting his brother. It's kind of hard to see what's happening cause my eyes are blurry but I can still see what's happening. 

Another figure comes in view as if to part them but Adamo refuses. Just then four more figures show up and that's when my hearing comes back. "What the fuck are you doing, Ace? Are you really that pussy whipped over this slut?" I hear Samuel's voice. 

Adamo chuckles then throws a punch to his face, the force causing Samuel to fall to the ground with a loud thud. "Don't call her a slut" He says before a female holds him back by his arm. I see someone walking over to me but before they could reach me a shot rings throughout the room. 

The person falls to the floor. "Fuck!" Ashley groans. "Fucking asshole" She curses again. Another gun shot rings out and then there are sounds of grunting and sounds of Ezra's screams. Someone grabs my hand and I hiss. He curses before unlocking the chains on my wrists then my feet. 

"Ashlyn? Ashlyn Darling please answer me" Adamo pleads. "Fuck" he picks up my limp body, wrapping my legs around his waist and planting my face in the crook of his neck. "Ace! Ace where the hell are you going?" Samuel shouts but it seems as if he can't move. 


Gosh she's so pale. How could I have been so cruel to her. The door to the room opens revealing Luke.  "Get out now!"He shouts. "I don't want to see or hear from you ever again. I'm giving you a free card right here right now cause if you don't leave this minute I will kill you myself Adamo" 

He takes a step closer. "My daughter may have fallen for you and don't have the guts to kill you but you don't have to worry about me hesitating. Trust me" 

Without a word I nod at him. Taking one last glance at Ashlyn I left the room closing the door behind me. I make my way out of the hospital avoiding the rest of the Hendersons and make my way to my car. 

"Losing you was like a dart to my heart" -Tori 

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