A knife: Chapter 20

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It's been three fucking days since we can't locate Ashlyn and it's fucking driving me crazy. I run my hands through my hair and slump down on my bed. Who knows what she might be going through right now.

We find a lead and then the so-called lead leads to a dead end. We haven't found her Car or anything that belongs to her. It's like she disappeared in thin air. I can't stand the fact that she's out there going through the worst pain. It physically hurts me.

Her cousins and friends are here in Italy also helping and calling in favors and shit to help find her. I know if I ask my Mom, we can find her in minutes but she's gonna be asking questions and why I even care, but I obviously can't do that.

She's gonna think I picked their side. And I don't want her doubting me right now.

Ashlyn's POV

I wake up from my sleep with a hell of a headache when the bitch of a man walks back in the cell turning on the light showing his smirk. I wipe the blood from my nose and sit up against the rusted grill. The chains around my ankle and wrist cling together as I move.

"Oh, look our princess is awake" He says and one of his minions walk in behind him. I have not found out who it is just yet. I'm not familiar with his face at all but I'm guessing this either has something to do with the Hendersons and the Ivanovs.

If not, then I have no idea why the fuck this idiot kidnapped me. It was a struggle for him and his minions but when they injected me with some shit I blacked out. I was on my way to Adamo when they got to me. I don't know why he ran off like that.

Dad said he stole a file, but it isn't really that important and I know it is important, but my dad doesn't want to tell me for some unknown reason.

"Not as chatty as you were yesterday are you?" He says and chuckles darkly. Gosh he's so annoying. He walks over to my cell and stoops down. He put his hand through the grill and grips my chin in his hand causing me to whimper.

"Seems like you're in pain. Want me to kiss it away for you?" He asks and I scrunch my face up in disgust. Eww no. Who the hell in their right mind would want to kiss those musty crusty lips. You need a whole bucket of chap-stick on those lips.

I drag my face away from his hand and before I could move any further, he takes a hold of it again even harder this time around. "Don't move unless I tell you to do so, Princess" Stop calling me that. That nickname makes me want to puke.

He then let's go of my chin harshly and I exhale. He stands and orders his minion to draw up the chains. Gosh not again. A groan leaves my lips, and he turns around to me and smirks. After I'm lifted off the ground and now dangling in the air with my hands apart and feet apart, he walks over to a table that is filled with tools where his minion stands.

He opens his hand to his minion, and he places a knife in it. Well, this going to be fun. We walks up to me with a sinister grin moving the knife blade against his index finger. "You know if you want to kill me, you can just go ahead. I don't what's been stopping you all this time, but I just want you to know to stop wasting your time and just kill me already."

"Ohh she speaks" he smiles. All he has been doing since I've got here is ask me questions and torture the living hell out of me. I guess this is how my targets feel when I do this to them. I don't regret doing it to them. They deserved it.

I tilt my head to the side. "What's your name?" I ask. He laughs and turns around to his minion. "Can you believe her? She doesn't know who I am. I'm surprised you don't know me. Does the face look familiar to you. Maybe a longtime boyfriend or something."

I think I would remember if I dated him. Plus, he's not my type. "Can you just tell me your name and stop fucking around. I never dated you" He sighs and rolls his eyes. "I never said you dated me, princess. And my name is Clayton."

Clayton. Clayton. I don't know a Clayton. I've never came in contact with a Clayton. What the fuck does this bitch want from me. "I'm guessing you don't know who I am since you look confused. Well let me clear it up for you" He then walks up to me till his is face to face with me.

"Don't even think about head butting me, it will only make things worse for you Ashlyn." He says than jabs the knife in the left of my chest then twists it. My head falls back as an ear-piercing scream leave my lips. "Fuckin' hell!"

I lift up my head and see the same smirk he's been wearing the minute he walked in here. Without even thinking, I head butted him causing him to stumble back and his little minion rushes over to him, catching him in his arms. Bitch. He quickly recovers and marches over to the grabbing the knife and harshly pulls it out causing another scream to leave my lips.

"You fucking bitch! I told you to not do that cause you would only make it worse for yourself. Now it's time for you to face the damn consequences."

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