Ivanov: Chapter 22

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Dad had Matt hack into Flinn's emails and found some messages between him and Ivanov. We later found out where he was now. He -what we think- is in Barbados. 10 hours later and we made it here, and made our way to the hotel. I made sure my room was as far away from Adamo as possible.

I can't stand being near him. Not right now. I can't trust myself around him anymore. The ringing of my phone startles me taking me out of my thoughts. I peek up at the phone to see an Unknown number. Frowning I pick up the phone and press the green button. I put the phone to my ear. "Hello?"

"Hello Ashlyn. Figured I could make your little hunt for me a little less hard. How about you come meet me outside at the beach front at 9pm sharp so we can talk this over. And don't you dear think about calling my son or any of your family members into this. I'm watching you. I have eyes and ears everywhere so don't test me Henderson"

I'm guessing this is Alexander Ivanov. Adamo's father. Before I could say anything he hung up on me. Taking the phone from my ear I look at the time. It's 5:32. I heavily sigh and stand form the chair I was just sitting in. I put my hair and a messy bun with a few strands out in my face and put on a pair of one of the sneakers  had packed. I had on a baggy shirt with some sweatpants. Nothing much really.

I open my door with my car keys and phone in hand and head out of my hotel room. When I reach the lobby I spot Adamo and I do everything in me to ignore him but being Adamo he sees me and tries to stop me. "Ashlyn stop. I know your ignoring me" His footsteps get closer as I try to walk faster.

When I reached my car and opened the door it was only slammed shut causing me to gasp. Turning around I was caged in by Adamo, our faces inches away from each other. "What's your problem with me?" He asks with determination. "You've been avoiding me since last week. The closest we have ever gone to really talking was yesterday in the yard and now you're back to ignoring me"

He stepped closer to me, until his body was only inches from mine and I felt the anger radiating from him in waves. He was a good foot taller than me and he towered over me.

"I'm not in the mood for this right now Adam, I need to be by myself right now" I avoid eye contact with him. His left hand grabs my waist pulling me close to him. "No, you don't get to do that, you don't get to shut me out after all this time we've been together" My eyes keep looking behind him as I try to pretend as if his hand around my waist didn't cause my heart to beat faster.

Before I could process he grabbed my hand into his and took my car keys then started walking with my hand in his. He walked around my car and stopped at the passenger's side. He opens the door and basically pushes me in the car.

I open my mouth to protest but he only slams the door in my face. My gaze follows him as he walks back around the car and opens the door to the drivers seat and sits, closing the door behind him.  He starts the car. "Put on your seatbelt" he says before doing so to himself. A scowl on his face. He puts the car in reverse and put pressure on the gas pedal.

Is he not gonna say anything or.........

"Where are we going? We should be planning to find your father" I say knowing that I'm keeping something big from him, but not because it's his father that means he needs to know that he called me. He scoffs. "Don't do that" I turn my head to him in confusion. "Do what?" I ask. He puts the car in Drive and turns the wheel till it's locked then put pressure on the gas. "Act like you aren't gonna meet my father tonight" he glances over at me for a second. Umm what the fuck?

"Umm no I'm not, if I was gonna do that I would have told my parents about it" I say quickly. "Would you though" he asks "or would you keep it to yourself so you can confront him on your own and out yourself in danger"

"I'm capable of keeping myself safe, Adamo. I've trained basically my whole life. Who says I can't take on your father?" He groans then revs the engine. Where the hell is he taking us?

"First. I never said you weren't capable of taking care of yourself. Second" he breathes out a sigh. "My father isn't someone you should play with. It's not that you can't take him but it's just that I don't want you to get hurt, Darling" I fling my hands in the air.

"So now you don't believe in me"

"Gosh Ashlyn this isn't about me not believing in you. Just admit to the fact that my father called you so I can get on with what I was gonna say" I look away from Adamo's face and take in my surroundings. We were surrounded by bushes, trees and birds chirping and flying. It was so peaceful. There was no one around but us and it had my mind in a daze still trying to guess where we were going.

I've only been to the Caribbean once but I was visiting an old friend in Haiti. This is my first time in Barbados so I don't really know my way around here, but it seems that Adamo has been here before as he is driving like he's taken this route his entire life.

He kills the engine and quickly unbuckles his seatbelt lunging over to me taking my face in his hand and captures my lips in his kissing me softly. I slowly melted into the kiss.

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