Girlfriend: Chapter 41

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My hand goes to the back of his neck pulling him in for a kiss but get stopped halfway when we hear a curse word. "Umm. I'm sorry, I Umm I just wanted to tell you that the kids wanted pizza" he says then leaves quickly.

A laugh escapes my lips and he raises an eyebrow. "This is not funny, Ashlyn" he says and it only makes me laugh more. I slip from his grip and go to my closet. "Your the one who left the door open" I say. I take an oversized shirt out of my closet and put it over my head.

"I just want you to myself" I hear the door close and I smile. Big hands wrap around my waist bringing me into him. His hand lay on my stomach then his head goes in the crook of my neck. He kisses it before saying. "I wanna see you swollen with my baby again, Bee" I laugh.

"Not now big guy, we aren't even in a relationship" I say. "Well then" he pushes me out if his hold and goes in front of me. "Will you be my girlfriend, Ashlyn Henderson?" I smile. "You are not asking me to be your girlfriend, right now" I laugh.

He nods. "I am" I chuckle "let me get my phone real quick" I run off for my phone and I Hear him laugh. "Are you going to video me?" He questions. I pick up my phone and go back over to him. "Yes, yes I am" he scoffs.

"What? I want to cherish this moment" I smile cheekily. He shakes his head. I press the recording button. "Okay, you can go" he smiles and instead of looking at the camera he looks at me. "Ashlyn, you are the most amazing woman I have ever met. My heart races when I see you and you have no idea how much it's racing right now" I chuckle.

"But I want to make what we have official. I want you, me, Lee and Leon to be a family. All of us as one. I love you so fucking much I would sacrifice myself, if it means to keep you and our family safe. So I stand here, to ask the love of my life to be my girlfriend"

By the time he finishes his speech there are tears running down my face. Since I don't trust my voice to say anything I nod my head rapidly as my sniffles fill the room.

He pulls me into him, holding me tightly as I bury my head into his chest. "I love you too, Adamo" he chuckles then kisses the top of my head.

"Gimmie back my toy Lo!" Luxury shouts. Both Adamo and I free ourselves from each other looking at each other with knowing looks. We quickly head to the living room where we find the twins fighting over a monster truck. Kevin isn't in the room. "Leo let go of the toy!" He drops the toy and both twins look up at us.

"Lo won't give me back my toy" Leo frowns and folds his arms. "Unfold your arms young man" Adamo's voice booms from behind me. With a huff, Leo unfolds his arms and put them in his lap. It was hard to canta in my smile but I did.

"Leon if you wanted Lee's toy you could have just asked her, or you could have asked me to buy one for you" I say. Tears start to form in his eyes while he pours and I feel so bad for making him cry. I go over to him and pick him up. "Oh baby, I'm sorry but that's lee's truck. We can go out later and buy you one, okay"

He sniffles before nodding. "Where's Kev?" I ask. To no one in particular. "He gone out fo pitza" Lee says. "And he just left you guys out here like this?"

"Mmh" she says as she gets back to her building blocks.

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