Princess Daddy: Chapter 37

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"Where are the twins?" I ask Kevin as I come down the stairs. He looks off his phone and to me. He smiles. "I didn't get the chance to tell you how beautiful you look, sweetheart" He says standing from his stool.

He walks up to me. "They're outside with Adamo" He playfully takes me in his arms planting a kiss on my head. "I'm gonna miss you" He mumbles. I turn around in his arms and look at him confused. "What? Why? I'm not going anywhere, kevin" I laugh.

He chuckles softly. "What I mean is, your gonna be busy with your new boyfriend now. We're mot gonna be together as much as we use to, that's all"

"Oh" i say. Now to think about it, he is right. In some way Adamo is going yo try and keep me busy enough to keep me away from Kevin. Like If he ever knew what was going on right now I bet he would throw a fit.

"Well I gotta go" I say as leave his arms. He frowns which causes me to smile. I walk out into the back yard as I hear giggles and laughs. A smile automatically spawns ok my face as I listen. "C'mon daddy, now say bipidi bopidi boo" I hear lee's voice.

I turn the corner and I almost burst out laughing. "What are you guys doing?" I grin. Adamo avoids eye contact with me as Leon giggles at the side.

Adamo's jacket was gone leaving him in his dress shirt. One of luxury's plastic princess crowns were placed on his head while he held a wand with a star, pink strings hanging from it and glitter flowing from it as the breeze blows by. He also had on red lipstick. Where did luxury get that from? Is that mine? "We awe tuwrning Daddy into a pwincess, though he doesn't have a dwess" she says still looking at her Dad as if observing him as her little index finger taps on her chin.

I smile as I fight the urge to laugh at him. "Adamo" I little chuckle leave any lips. "Look at me, please" I open my phone and go to camera. He growls before turning around. My phone starts videoing him and he only frowns more. "Hey princess Daddy, how's it going?" I laugh.

"Ok pwincess Daddy, now say after me. Bipidi bopidi boo" luxury says. "C'mon princess Daddy you don't want to disappoint her do you?" I say and he only glares at me. I'm so sending this into my group chat later.

"Bipidi bopidi boo" he says. Luxury shakes her head. "That's not how you say it Daddy, you have to say it in a pwincess voice" she says and he groans.

After Adamo finally got it right, he grabbed me by the waist pulling me on his lap and places a crown on my head also. "If I'm going to suffer, your gonna suffer with me, Darling"

He has called me Darling since he came but I don't know if it's because I'm sitting on his lap that makes this one bring butterflies to my stomach. A smile take diver my face as I lean into him on command. "Ok mama, let's show Daddy how to do a tea party now" Leon says as he takes up a tea cup.

Luxury has had multiple tea parties with me and Leon and Leon is really into it so I'm not surprised he suggested this.

After a whole day of Adamo and I spending time with the twins the sun begins to set and Adamo ando start packing up the things to bring inside. The twins already ran inside to get something to eat leaving just me and him here.

"As much as I didn't like dressing up as a princess, I really enjoyed today" he smiles. I laugh. "You didn't get half of it. Usually you would be in a princess dress and your face full of two year old makeup"

He finishes taking up the remaining dad and laughs. "I'm guessing you went through all that" I nod my head with a smile. "Yeah. Oh and Kevin too, he got a lot of torture out of it, the scenes are so hilarious"

He doesn't smile or laugh but his jaw clenches. I walk close up to him. "Don't do that yo yourself Adamo, I know what your thinking, just stop. There is nothing going on between us" his face soften s little and he takes me into a hug and kisses the top of my head. "Okay"

"So how'd I do as a Dad today? God it's feels so weird to say that" Adamo says as we leave the twins room. We just put them to bed and I guess Adamo is going to leave after this.

"I'm not gonna lie Princess Daddy, you did great" I say with a smile and he looks at me with a warning gaze. "Princess Daddy" I repeat with a laugh. He shakes his head and she's walking down the stairs. I follow behind him.

When we reach the living room he turns to me. "As much as I would love to come over tomorrow, I can't. I have to get back to Russia ASAP" I nod my head, understanding why he has to do this. I haven't told my Mom or Dad that he came here to me or that he showed up at my house yesterday. "It's okay Adamo, you have work to do, you have a whole Mafia to run, I understand" I say

He rubs his temple. "I will come to you anywhere you are as soon as I'm finish oaky?" I do a tight lip smile. "Adamo i understand, you don't have to explain yourself to me. You have others things to do"

"Yeah, but I don't want you to think that I choose my job over my family, I would never do that. Tha-

"Adamo I know you, what your doing is giving us a better chance at this" I move my hand between us. "Once it can help with our family then it's always okay, Adamo"

He sighs in relief and smiles a little. "I love you so fucking much, you have no idea" he says. He pulls me in a hug planting a kiss on the top of my head. I like the fact that he doesn't push himself to kiss me and only kisses me on my cheek, forehead, or my head.

He's such a sweetheart. And I lo-

He pulls away from the hug and walks to the door and opens it. He comes back to me causing me to chuckle. He kisses me on the cheek before whispering in the most attractive voice ever. "I'll cal you" causing my cheeks to burn red as I chuckle. He pulls back with a smirk before finally leaving.

This man is so fucking husband material in so many ways it's unbelievable. After hearing his car drive away, I make my way up to my room and take up my phone going into his chat.

I know he said he was gonna call me but I can't wait.

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