He's back: Chapter 47

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After putting down Anora I head to the kitchen to clean up. Ashlyn went up after making sure the trips were fed. I was the one who put them to bed. Now that they are older it has been easier to put them to bed.

I washed up the baby bottles and plates that were left from dinner then went to clean up the toys the trips left in the living room. With a sigh I turn off all the light sthen make my way up to Ashlyn and I's room.

As I approach our room I hear soft cries coming from the other side. Pushing the door open I see my Darling sitting by the window, looking out of it. I hurriedly made my way to her side. "Baby, are you okay" i say taking her face in my hand.

Her face turns to me and is filled with tears streaming down her face. Her sobs increase and I wipe her tears. "What's wrong with my Darling?" She doesn't answer but bury's her face in my chest. Her hands wrap around my waist as she lets her sobs aloud.

After about ten long minutes of Ashlyn crying she finally calmed down and is now laying on my chest drawing circles on it. "Did you know that today was the first time Leon said his first word?" She questions her voice cracking saying it.

My head lift up the slitest. "No. I did not kmow that" I say. I hear her chuckle before she speaks. "It was when I was out playing with the twins but I stepped away for just a second to get a juice-boxs for both of them. When was in the kitchen, I heard him screaming Dada"

"It was his first word and I was out there in a flash spinning him in happiness. I wasn't even sad that he didn't say mama first" I lift her up and set her fully on my chest with her legs between mine and our faces inches apart. I brush a stray hair out of her face and behind her ear. "I miss them so much Adamo"

"I know, baby. I miss them too" just then Ashlyn's phone started ringing. Ashlyn eased off of me and rolled onto her back.


I took up my phone and it was, Kaliyah. Why was she calling me? And why so late? It's 10:52pm.

"Kaliyah?" The sound of rapid breathing is on the other line before her voice came alive. "Umm, Ashlyn, fuck!. I know your gonna be mad at me, okay. But can you" deep breaths. "Can- can you come for me at my house please, like right now?" I sit up my feet hanging off of the bed. "What- what's happening? Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"Nope, I'm none of those. Just come for me and I'll explain. And please, please don't tell Adamo. I'm begging you" I sigh and nod. "Ok I'll be there, give me 10 minutes"

I turn around and Adamo is staring at me with concern in his eyes. I don't know why Kal doesn't want want me to tell Adamo but I'm going to respect her wish and not. "What's wrong? Who was that?" I stand from the bed and go in the closet to find a suitable clothes to go. I was in my night ware. "Umm it mom, she needs me to come Umm" shit what the fuck do I say. The hairs in the back of my neck rise as I feel his presence behind me.

"Why are you lying?" I turn around to him. "I can't tell you, she told me not to and I'm going to respect her wish, so stay here and watch the babies while I go help my sister for whatever she needs" he stands down with an exhale and nods. "Okay then, but be careful. I don't want anything happening to you"

I nod and he places a kiss on my lips. After Adamo left the closet I put on a cropped sleeved blouse with some pants and went on my way.

I took Adamo's BMW because it was the one ya t could get me to Kal the fastest at the moment

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I took Adamo's BMW because it was the one ya t could get me to Kal the fastest at the moment.

Reaching Kaliyah's house I noticed that all the lights were turned on

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Reaching Kaliyah's house I noticed that all the lights were turned on. Kal recently bought a house out of the blue a few months ago, moving out of Dad's and moms house. It was so sudden no one saw it coming, but it's the fact that she hasn't invited us over in a while now.

I haven't bugged her about it but it just seems not like her and her just calling me out of the blue telling me to hurry is weird.

I turn off the car, exit it then made my way towards her front door. I assumed she couldn't come to the door so I opened the door and let myself in. "Kal?!" I call out but no response. I hear groaning from upstairs and my eyebrows form v from my frowning. I took the stairs heading to Kal's room and that's when I heard him, that's when I heard my brother in laws voice.

"It's okay, sunshine, we just have to wait a little longer" why is he referring to my sister as 'sunshine'? What the hell is going on? I push open her door and what I saw would cause a heart attack to Adamo if he were here. Kal sitting on the bed while pregnant with her feet hanging over while Samuel stood in between her legs. "What the fuck are you doing here? And you're pregnant?!"

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