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"Jeez mom your taking forever!" I roll my eyes. I wipe my mouth with a towel and exit the bathroom. "Are you happy now, Aiden. I'm done"

"Aiden stop pestering your mother" My husbands voice comes into view as he walks into our bedroom. He greets me with a kiss on the head then looks back down at his son then ruffles his hair causing him to giggle.

"Alright people let's go get these little sugar rushers some Boba" They have been crying for boba for weeks. We've been putting it off but they insist that since their birthdays are in less than a week they can have boba. So hear we are on a Tuesday afternoon going to get boba for my 10 year old triplets.

"Anora, Aiden, it's time to go. C'mon chop chop" Anora runs to her Dad. "Is Vicky going to be there?" She questions. "No, sweetie but I bet she'll be there when you go again for your birthday" Adamo says and she smiles. "Yes!" She cheers running off to her brother.

I turn to Adamo. "Seriously? Again?" We didn't discuss taking them more than once. I didn't even want take them "Oh c'mon, it's just Boba" he scoffs and walk off in the direction Anora ran off in. I sigh then follow behind my husband.


"Bye, mommy, daddy" Anora screams at us through the front door as we depart from them. They said they wanted to go to grandma and grandpa's house after boba to spend time with mom and Dad's newest puppy. They now have five canines and two cats.

As Adamo speeds home I can't help but hum out wedding song. Him rubbing my thigh with his free hand just inching closer to the zipper of my shorts. I stop humming and giggle because of how ticklish his fingers are.

He looks over at me for a second with a sly a smile. He  stops at a stop light and takes that chance to lean over and bring my lips to his. I mumble against his lips but he demands me to shut up. Just as I was about to freaking push hi off of me he pulls away just in time for the light to turn green.

I lie back on the car seat trying to catch my breath. I spot a smile on his face as he kicks his lips. "Gosh your insufferable some of the time" I say bring my hand up to my face fanning it. I've somehow become hot.

He chuckles and rests his hand back on my thigh.

"You look so fucking good looking at me like that" his husky voice travels down to my stomach as it does it's tingling thing and I shakily exhale.


She looks up at me through watery and matter mascara coated lashes. A look of utter desperation in her gorgeous blue eyes as my cock is being buried deep in her throat.

My hand holds down her head preventing her from moving and I can see how desperate she is for my come. I see the desperation in her eyes to please me. To give me satisfaction. Her hand goes to touch her self and she moans arching from my hold while the vibrations courses through me. She taps on my thigh to let her go.

But I can't hold back now. Not after what's she's done. Fuck. I withdraw her head but I continue to fuck her mouth not giving her time to take a breath. The sloppy noises from her mouth echos throughout the living room and it only encourages me to keep going.

With one more look from her tear filled eyes and I'm releasing everything in her mouth as I relax back into the couch. My eyes slowly close as Ashlyn swallows the rest of my come.

She stands up with a playful smile on her face. "Babe, c'mon, it's gonna be fine" Ashlyn looks at me horrified as we here her sister's voice coming in the house. "Shit" We were so caught up in each other we didn't here the front door open. Ashlyn curses as she picks up her shorts and top and runs towards our room.

I do the same while laughing at Ashlyn's face. "Ashlyn!" Ashley shouts from downstairs. "Gosh, I swear if their having sex I'm gonna gag" I hear her voice. I reach out room and see Ashlyn putting on a change of clothes.

She puts on a yellow floral dress and turns to me. Her face red. A chuckle leaves her lips as she approaches me taking me into a hug. "I just want you, and I can't even have that" Our room door is pushed open startling Ashlyn.

"Gosh, fuck, Ash" Ashlyn sighs. "Thank God you guys aren't railing each other" her boyfriend runs his hand down his face. Totally tired of Ashley's bullshit.

"Did you guys forget that we had a date for you to meet my boyfriend? Cause you guys are like an hour late" Ashlyn leans back into me with a whisper. "Gosh, I forgot about that"

"We just dropped the kids off, Ashley we totally forgot. If your boyfriend don't mind we can set up something in the backyard or something. I don't think Ashlyn is up for leaving the house right now"

Ashlyn looks up at me with her big blues and I smile down at her. "Yeah. That actually a great idea" Ashlyn squeals and grabs her boyfriend's hand bringing him downstairs.

"Thank you. I'm still a little flustered from what happened earlier, don't think I could have left the house right now" I sit on the bed and lift her so she's straddling me. Her hands go on my shoulder then snake their way up to my hair. Her hands so soft, massaging her fingers through my hair.

She smiled at me. "That feels good, huh?" I nod my head. "Mmh"


"Im pregnant" Ashley blurts in the middle of our conversation. There's a awkward pause between us for what I think is 30 seconds before Liana lets out a light laugh.

I know this is awkward for Ivy since they had a thing going on a few years back. "Your joking right?" I ask "Why would I be joking about this? After Jace and I got married we never really talked about having kids"

"I'm also pregnant"

Three Rules | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now