Back in time: Chapter 25

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"We'll talk about this when we get back" I say as I pull my shirt back over my head. He smiles at me before holding  me by my neck and pulling me into him planting his lips on mine. I melt into his kiss not even trying to pull back and giving into him. He smiles against my lips before pulling back.

"What?" I ask. "You taste like mine." I roll my eyes at him with a smile then turn my back to him to get off the bed. I start looking around the room and it's beautiful. "How did you know about this place? Have you been here before?" I ask

"My mom would always bring me and my siblings here in the summer when we were younger" He says and sighs. He looks around the room as if remembering the times they spent here. "We stopped coming when my Grand father died"

"We got to go. My parents are probably worrying about me" I say and he smiles getting off the bed and I scrunch my face. "Why are you so smiley?" I ask. He wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me closer and my hands cup his face as he smiles down at me.

Adamo doesn't smile much and he is smiling like a fucking idiot. It's kinda cute. "Cause I'm with you" My face automatically softens. "I love you Ashlyn. You make me the happiest man on earth even though sometimes you do get on my last nerve. You have no idea how much I love you Darling. I would fucking die for you, I will kill for you. I would do anything for you. Just name it and it's done."

He wipes the tear from my cheek and press a kiss to my lips. "I love you so fucking much Ashlyn, your the reason I keep on living"

By the time we get back to the hotel it was quarter past 7 and it meant that I had to go meet with Adamo's father soon. We didn't get back to the topic on our way here and I'm thankful cause I don't think I would have been able to lie to him anymore.

"Ashlyn are you listening?" My father asks. I look up at him nodding my head. My eye catches Adamo in the corner with a smirk on his face before he steps outside of the room. What's his problem? I lean against the table with my face hooked up by my fist.

"So. Are you gonna follow him or what?" Clay whispered to me. I look at him silently contemplating if I should but I shake my head at him. "I'm not his personal tail". He hums and I roll my eyes at him.

He's so annoying sometimes, it's as if he's a fricking 13 year old boy. After the meeting was done everyone went to their rooms and got ready for the so called "dinner" we were having. We made a reservation in the restaurant near by and we'll be starting from there.

Dad suspects that if we're all there "eating and having fun" he will somehow give us a sign to show that he's intact here. During this I don't say anything as I don't want to give the fact away that I am literally going to see him face to face in a few minutes. My phone pings forcing me to come out of my brain and back to the real world.

I pick up the phone and it's the unknown number texting me.

UNKNOWN: I'm waiting.

I smile and stand from my bed putting my phone in the pocket to my jeans. Seems like I'm gonna be late to dinner after all. I take my hand gun from my bag and in the waistband of my pants and a pocket knife up one of my pants foot. That will stay. Right? Eh.

I put on one of my Favourite heels and head out the door closing it behind me.

(This is the heel I'm talking in case y'all really think I was gonna let her go out in fucking spike heels to fight off her enemy)

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(This is the heel I'm talking in case y'all really think I was gonna let her go out in fucking spike heels to fight off her enemy)

As I step out the door it's my mother leaving her room with a scowl on her face and she looks up catching eye contact with me. Well fuck. I didn't want to see any of my family members right now. I smile at her as she walks up to me. Yes great. Now she's gonna talk. "Ashlyn, what are you doing? Aren't you supposed to be getting ready for the dinner?" She tucks a stray hair behind her ear.

For as long I have been living on this earth I've never seen my mother cut that hair of hers. She always kept it long for some reason. She's never got the whole mom hair cut. "Umm" before I could come up with an excuse she buts into my sentence that I'm sure I wasn't really gonna finish.

"You aren't gonna sneak off and look for Adamo, are you?" She gasps and I sigh rolling my eyes. "No mom, I'm not gonna "sneak off" and go see Adamo. I just wanted to go get some fresh air by the beach" I say. She nods her head in approval. "Okay, but where did you guys go this evening I couldn't find you" she asks with concern.

I could feel the blush creeping up to my cheeks as I stare at her and wonder what to say. We went on a walk. No. Maybe we went to have sex in an old cabin his mom use to take him when he was younger. Or maybe. "We just had to sort out a few things going on" I finally say. She smiles a tight cheeky smile and hums.

She doesn't believe me. Well I wouldn't believe me either.

Before I could say anything, the hotel door to Ashley's room opens and it was Ivy. She looks down the hall to moms door and then mine but makes eye contact with me. I look at her confused then my eyes trail down to in her hands. She had her heels in her hands, her hair was frizzy and her lipstick a little smudged. It only takes an idiot to not know what has been going down in that room. Now it explains why Ashley wasn't at the meeting earlier.

She awkwardly smiles and goes back into my sister's room. "Are you okay?" My mom asks. Oh shit. My mom didn't see. Ivy and my sister just had sex. That's.......I don't even know.

They were very close growing up and they always spend their time together so I'm not surprised they ended up doing the deed. But what I am confused about is my sisters sexuality. All my life she has been dating boys. Never had I seen her with a girl.

"Umm nothing. I have to go now. I........have to meet up with a friend" I say but before she could ask more questions I turned around and started speed walking down the hall to the steps. I can't deal with the questions right now. I'm not in the mood. My phone pings and turn my head to the left taking my phone from out my back pocket. Looking up my face was planted in a hard chest causing my phone to fall.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going" the person's deep voice says and you would be fool to not hear his thick British accent. He stoops down to pick up my phone. I see him glance at the screen and his face only stays blank before he places the phone back into my hands. I look up at him as I awkwardly place the phone back into my back pocket.

Black curly frizzy hair, long eyelashes that I would kill to have, hazel eyes that sparkle cause of the sun glaring at it, sharp jawline, thin rosy pink lips. He's tan and toned with broad shoulders that fit perfectly into his black T-shirt and I can just see his fucking abs printing out. Oh my gosh. The tattoo that I assume starts from his side comes up to his neck that looks like a dragons head breathing fire. "Yeah" I breathe out. What a gorgeous man. "Sorry I wasn't looking where I was going either"

Why do so many things keep coming in my way. All I want to do is eliminate Ivanov from ever fucking existing and everything keeps stopping me from doing so. He opens his mouth to say something but I beat him to it. "Can we like not do the whole awkward conversation right now I just want to get to my meeting cause I'm already late apparently. Now bye" I say before walking around him and head towards the exit.

That poor guy. Why did I do that to him. I roll my eyes and turn around only to see him now turned around and looking at me smiling. Oh my gosh, even his smile is beautiful. He walks up to me. "Are you Ashlyn Henderson?" He asks and I feel my eyebrows furrow and I look at him confused. Umm what?

"It depends on who's asking" I say raising my eyebrow as my right hand reaches for the gun in my waist band. "I'm here to do no harm Ashlyn. I'm Kevin Myers. I'm the son of a long time friend your father had and I'm just here to see him" he says. That is not believable. If he thinks I'm dumb enough to believe that he's absolutely fucking wrong.

"What the fuck do you want with my father dipshit?" He chuckles darkly and my face only becomes more confused. What the fuck is wrong with this idiot?

Adamo's POV:

He scoffs "Are you really in love with her?" I sigh as I tighten the rope on his hand. His face was so beaten up he could barely talk. Blood mixed with sweat trickle down on his face. He wouldn't understand what I feel for Ashlyn, so what's the meaning in telling him right. So I just ignore him and get back to looking out for Ashlyn.

She's awfully late. It's 8:15 now and she isn't here.

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