Lia Knows: Chapter 9

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The sizzling sound of the oil was heard as I cracked the egg in the frying pan. I sprinkle a little Cayenne pepper, salt and some shredded cheese. It's been three days since the whole kiss with Adamo and he hasn't called like I had told him to.

What was going through my mind when I kissed him? And because I did he thinks I have some kind of feelings for him? Who the hell does he think he is? I was taken out of my thoughts when the oil from the pot popped on my skin.

"Ouch" I hiss as I rub my arm. I flip the egg and make my way over to the pantry. I open the door and take out the bread and butter before placing them on the island. I turn around and take up a butter knife from the knife stand.

I turn off the pot from there and turn around and start buttering my bread. I place the egg on  one slice of the bread and finish it by adding the other slice on top of it. I cut the sandwich in half giving me two triangles and I made my way to the living room where I was watching The Holiday Calendar on Netflix.

It just started. Zola sat at my feet looking up at me with puppy eyes. I literally just fed her before I went to make my breakfast. How could she still be hungry? Well she's a dog so I don't blame her.

There will be a Christmas Ball kept at the mansion today so I do need to go pick out a dress. Right after this sandwich though. As I was about to take a bite from the sandwich my phone started ringing causing me to groan.

I then realize it's not even beside me but in the kitchen still. A huff left my lips as I stand from the couch. Yes I eat in my couch. So what, it is my house. My house, my rules. Speaking of Rules. Adamo hasn't shown up at my house since you know. I'm thankful for that.

I pick up my phone and swipe right as I see my bestfriend calling me. "Lia" I say "Why so dry? I thought you'd be happy hearing my voice" She says and I sigh with a chuckle. "Yeah I would if you hadn't just disturbed my breakfast, Nut" I say

"Okay whatever, just open the damn door its fucking cold out here" She says and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "Are you outside my house?" I ask as I make my way to the front door. "Well duh" she says and I open the door to Lia as she hangs up the phone.

She looks up with her oh so pretty smile. I take her in a hug and pull her in the hose at the same time, closing the door behind us. She pulls away from the hug and slaps my hand lightly. "You do realize that this is the first time we have talked since I found out you were out with Adamo. She says

I roll my eyes at her and make my way back to the living room. Zola was still seated at the couch and Intentively  watching my sandwich as if her life depended on it. I smile at her and sit where I was sitting before. I broke off a piece of the sandwich and gave it to her.

"Sooo, are you gonna tell me what happened between you too?" She asks I take a bite from the sandwich then shake my head. "Nothing happened" I say with a full mouth. "I be that's how he stuffed your mouth with his tongue, huh" She says with a smirk and I roll my eyes at her. I finish eating what was in my mouth and swallowed. "What makes you think that we kissed?" I ask

"For one, there is a hickey on your neck" She says and my hand immediately reach for my neck in shock. "What? He left a hickey on my neck? How did I not see it? What?! I swear I'm gonna kill him"  I panic as I stand from the couch.

She just laughs at me. "This is not funny. Why are you laughing?" I pick up my phone and go to the camera. I tried my best to find the hickey on both sides of my neck but there was none and I had realized what my bestfriend had done.

I sit down on the couch and roll my eyes at her. "You almost gave me a heart attack, Dad would have killed me if he saw it" I say. She finally stopped laughing. "I'm sorry but I just wanted to see if you would confess and you did so it's a win win for me" She smiles. 

I scoff and get back to eating my sandwich. This girl is pass evil. I really nearly had an heart attack. "So? Was he a good kisser?" She asks with that cheeky smile of hers. I groan causing her to laugh at me.


Lia left about two hours ago to go get ready for the ball that's happening tonight. She basically stayed the whole day here. We laughed, talked and even watched movie and just full on roast them.

I don't know where I would ever find another best friend like her. Well good thing I'm never going to replace her. I love her and all but it would make my day if she didn't bring up Adamo every two damn minutes.

It's like she's obsessed with Gina Ms she hasn't even met him yet. I know there is a 'yet' in that sentence but that doesn't mean she's gonna meet him. Ashley is the only person in my family that knows what he looks like.

On the night I saw his face I knew his face looked familiar but I didn't know why so I never mentioned it. He felt familiar. His whole body did and it kind of scares me and nothing scares me so it is a first for this to happen.

One day I will find out why he is si familiar to me. But right now I need to get ready for the Ball.

I just finished flat ironing it and I take the brush and start brushing it out. I did a middle part and I fluffed up my hair. I went in my closet and I took out my dress. I've never worn it before and it goes with the whole them of this get together.

It had sleeves so it was perfect for the temperature. Though there was a split at the buttom. I don't think it's gonna bother me. Right?

I put on my dress and head over to my body length mirror. I smile as I see myself and head over to my make up table and put on my mascara and lipgloss.

I think I have the perfect silver heels for this occasion

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I think I have the perfect silver heels for this occasion. I go over to my shoe cabinet and my eyes run over every shoe before landing on the one I wanted.

I took them up and made my way over to my bed and sat on it as I make way to put on my heels

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I took them up and made my way over to my bed and sat on it as I make way to put on my heels.

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