Situationship: Chapter 42

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"Where the fuck have you been? It's 8 in the fucking night and your just showing up" he closes the door behind him then stumbles almost falling.

Is he drunk? Are fucking kidding me? I roll my eyes. "You left my children in the living room unattended without telling me you were leaving, why would you that?"

"Don't talk to me like I'm your kid" he says. He takes off his jacket and throws it on the couch. Why is he acting like this? I get that your drunk but....

"You left my children unattended Kevin. I get to talk to you however the fuck I want! I don't want you doing any of that shit again, so I am going to be leaving next week. Since the contract have been taken care of I have no reason to stay here now"

His eyes soften as if he's sobered up. "Your leaving me?" He scrunches his face. He quickly approaches me causing me to take a step back. "Your choosing him over me? He was ready to leave you to die just two years ago! And now your going off to live happily ever after as of it never happened?!"

I know he's right but I've never trust anyone more Yam I trust Adamo. He might be my enemy but he's also the love of my life and don't choose to give that up, not again. I will always choose family and he is my family.

"I took you in!" Before he could get any further I jab my finger into his chest. "You didn't take me in! I wasn't a fucking kid that needed a home or a worthless person that had bo money or shit, I didn't ask for any of this. I was unconscious when they took me here, I had no say in any of this! I never asked you to take care of me. So screw you!"

I walk away but he grabs my wrist pulling me into his chest. He reeks of alcohol. My body braces against his but my face is as far away as I could get it. "Your mine" he grabs my face between his hands. "Your fucking mine, not his and not anyone else's. Mine. I took care of you when no one else did I was there when the twins cried, I was there when you had melt downs on melt downs, not him. Me. Your fucking mine"

I hiss in pain as he gradually tightens his hand by every word. Adamo went out to get the kids ice-cream just so we could have a talk without the kids hearing but now I think it might've been a bad idea. He finally real sea me from his grip with a shuv sending me to the floor.

Before he could make another I swing my foot colliding with his causing him to fall face first to the floor. "Motherfucker!" He curses. I get up from the floor and head over to the kitchen. I take out a bottle of water from the bridge and go back over to Kevin. "Get the fuck up and take the goddamn water bottle. Your drunk and you need to stay hydrated and don't you ever think for one second that I'm yours"

He sits up and leans on the key stand then takes the water bottle with a scowl. "When Adamo gets back I don't want you to tell him anything about what just happened, keep your mouth shut. When your done drinking your water go take a shower and go to sleep, I don't want to hear anything from you for the rest of the night" with that I leave him there in the floor and go to my room.


"Darling, we're home. And we come baring ice-cream!" I Hera Adamo's voice from the living room and a smile instantly erupts on my lips. I get off the bed and to my door opening it.

The twins are seated in there high chairs while Adamo places four tubs of ice- creams in the fridge. He turns around just in time to meet my eyes. He smiles and I smile. "Okay little tigers it's time to go to bed. Your Dad kept you out late enough" I say and they both turn to me with puppy eyes. They're eyes are so big and cute.

No. This will not work on me right now. That have to go to sleep.

"Nope, nope that not gonna work" I say and they sulk in their seats in defeat. "No" Lee sighs. "Don't worries, but guess what if you go to bed now you'll get ice-cream right after you eat breakfast"

Their faces light up with excitement, "really?" They both ask at the same time causing a chuckle to leave Adamo's lips.

After we put them down to sleep we head to my room and I don't even get a word out before Adamo slams me against the wall devouring my lips. I moan into his mouth.

"I love your dress" he says before I could get out a thank you he demands. "Now take it off"

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